AMA Rabbit's AMA

Main reason for post is that I have been called many things in my life , but one thing I have never been called before is Ben? :eek:

I was just kidding. That name doesn't suit you well by any means, pal. Please don't mind.
  1. Where are you from?
  2. Where do you live?
  3. How many siblings do you have?
  4. Are you in a relationship?
  5. What do you do?
  6. Do you have any nicknames?
  7. Where do you study?
  8. How old are you?
  9. What's your favourite color?
  10. What's your favourite food?
  11. What's your favourite movie?
  12. What's your favourite TV show?
  13. What's your favourite game?
  14. How tall are you?
  15. What's your weight?
  16. Who was your first crush?
  17. Who was your first partner?
  18. What is your birth of date?
  19. What are your future plans?
  20. Do you like or hate your job?
  21. What's your hobby?
  22. What are your talents?
  23. If you were to wish for superpowers, what would they be?
  24. What would your superhero name be?
  25. What team would you join after becoming an superhero? (Avengers, Justice League etc)
  26. Would you reveal your identity to the world?
  27. If you had superpowers, would you misuse them for your own purposes?
  28. How would your superhero costume look like?
  29. Where would your secret superhero hideout be?
  30. How would your hideout look like?
  31. If you were to choose any superhero to become your sidekick, who would it be?
  32. If you were to choose any superhero as your enemy, who would it be?
  33. If you were to assemble a new superhero team, which superheroes would you include in them?
  34. What would your superhero car look like?
  35. Would you rather live a normal life or a weird life?
  36. Would you sacrifice yourself to save other people?
  37. If you were to found out your loved one is a evil mastermind, would you stop them or join their side?
  38. Are you a psychic in any way?
  39. Most embarrassing thing to happen to you?
  40. Funniest thing to happen to you?
  41. Scariest thing to happen to you?
  42. Best thing to happen to you?
  43. What your shoe size is?
  44. What is your favourite outfit?
  45. Do you prefer to wear eastern or western?
  46. What are your favourite type of shoes?
  47. Are you a good actor?
  48. Are you a good liar?
  49. Do you prefer to live alone or with someone?
  50. Your favourite job and why?
  51. What's the scariest thing you've done?
  52. Do you have any family secrets?
  53. Famous ancestors?
  54. What's your hairstyle?
  55. What hairstyle do you like on the opposite gender?
  56. How do you look without makeup?
  57. What accessory on the opposite gender is a big turnoff?
  58. Do you know how to swim?
  59. Name of the highest building in your area?
  60. Are you afraid of heights?
  61. Have you ever gone parachuting or para-diving?
  62. If you were given chance to paradive or go parachuting, would you?
  63. Are you scared of the water?
  64. Have you ever been on a speedboat?
  65. Do you like traveling?
  66. Do you have a habit of getting sick during travelling?
  67. Best hotel you've lived at?
  68. Worst hotel you've lived at?
  69. Worst country you've been to?
  70. Best country you've been to?
  71. How is your country's community?
  72. Do you see any tourists in your country?
  73. Post a picture of your country's flag
  74. If you were to design your country's flag, how would it look like?
  75. Do you go outside alot or not? (excluding work, school etc)
  76. Where do you prefer to go when going outside?
  77. Who makes plans most the times? you or your friends?
  78. What sport you don't know how to play, but want to learn?
  79. Where do you see yourself in 1 month?
  80. Where do you see yourself in 1 year ?
  81. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
  82. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
  83. Where do you see yourself in 20 years?
  84. Where do you see yourself in 30 years?
  85. Where do you see yourself in 50 years?
  86. If you could switch families, would you?
  87. Are you close to your family or not?
  88. If you were given chance to join politics, would you?
  89. If you were given chance to change your country's national anthem, what would it be?
  90. What foreign country do you dislike the most?
  91. What country do you like the most?
  92. If you were to run away from your family, where would you run off too?
  93. If you were in trouble, who would you go to first?
  94. Who's your crime partner?
  95. Do you know how to keep secrets?
  96. What do you prefer to waste most of your money on?
  97. If you were to be deserted, what 3 items would you take with yourself?
  98. Would you be ready to sacrifice yourself for your family or not?
  99. If a family member, best friend or a hot male were about to fall of a cliff and you could only save one. Who would it be?
  100. If you could eliminate one social network from the site, which one would it be and why?
  101. Your favourite social networking site?
  102. Your least favourite social networking site?
  103. If you were to make a social networking site of your own, what would it be about?
  104. If you could make changes to any social network, what would it be?
  105. Your most liked picture on Facebook?
  106. Your least liked picture on Facebook?
  107. Your most sexiest picture?
  108. Your most funniest photo?
  109. Your most embarrasing photo?
  110. If you could take a picture with any celebrity, who would it be?
  111. Would you cheat on your partner with your favourite celebrity if gotten the chance?
  112. What annoys you?
  113. What embarrases you?
  114. How much frequently do you get ill?
  115. What's the longest you've been ill?
  116. What was the cause of you being ill?
  117. Do you fake illness sometimes to avoid going to school or work?
  118. What's the shortest time you've been ill?
  119. Worst disease you've gotten?
  120. Do you have a family doctor or visit random doctors?
  121. Are there any diseases that run in your family?
  122. If yes, which?
  123. Longest you've been on bedrest?
  124. What do you usually do when you're ill?
  125. Do you tend to google your problems?
  126. Google or Doctor?
  127. Ever had a bad accident?
  128. If yes, how?
  129. How many times you've had accidents in your life?
  130. Have you ever seen someone die right infront of your eyes?
  131. If yes, how did they die?
  132. Do you prefer therapists or friends?
  133. Something that most people don't know about you?
  134. Do likes on social networks matter to you or not?
  135. If you were to become instantly famous on any social network, which one would it be?
  136. What social network would you wanna avoid?
  137. If you could talk to any celebrity on social network, who would it be?
  138. Your opinions on sexting?
  139. If you were to catch your partner cheating, what would be your reaction?
  140. Do you prefer friends over family or family over friends?
  141. What do you think is the greatest invention and why?
  142. Are you more of a friendly or a rude person?
  143. Do you prefer countryside or the city?
  144. If you were a farmer, what would you grow?
  145. If you had a chance to move to the countryside away from city, would you?
  146. If so, why?
  147. Do you think countryside or city is better?
  148. Why?
  149. How do you usually start conversations?
  150. When it comes to socializing, are you the one to start convos first or them?
  151. Are you awkward?
  152. How would you approach your crush?
  153. Why is your crush your crush?
  154. Ways to your heart?
  155. Do you think any kind of afterlife exists?
  156. What do you think happens after death?
  157. What's the strangest dream you've had?
  158. What's the scariest dream you've had?
  159. What do you usually dream about?
  160. Do you discuss your dreams with other people?
  161. Have you ever had a dream that came true later on?
  162. What do you think about dreams?
  163. How much do you cry?
  164. Are you sensitive?
  165. How many emails do you usually get everyday?
  166. How many texts do you get usually get everyday?
  167. How many calls do you usually get everyday?
  168. Do you prefer to speak on call or texting?
  169. What's your favourite instant messaging app?
  170. Do you backup your texts or delete them?
  171. Do you usually delete photos in your phone or keep them?
  172. If so, how do you keep them safe?
  173. our secrets with?
  174. Are you able to keep other peoples secrets?
  175. If you were asked to tell all your bestfriend's secrets at gunpoint, would you?
  176. What's the most money you've ever held?
  177. What's the most money you've spent in a single day?
  178. What's the most expensive thing you've bought in your whole life?
  179. What's the most cheapest thing you've bought?
  180. Where do you usually buy your clothes from?
  181. What's the most expensive clothes you bought?
  182. What's the most cheapest clothes you've bought?
  183. Best brand?
  184. Worst brand?
  185. Your top 5 favourite brands?
  186. If you could invest in any brand, which brand would you invest on?
  187. Are you obsessed about undergarments?
  188. Describe your best undergarment
  189. Where do you usually buy your undergarments from?
  190. Why is it that women are comfortable with men looking at them in bikini, but not in undergarments?
  191. Do you prefer cheap or expensive clothes?
  192. Jeans or trousers?
  193. Do you prefer modest or revealing clothes?
  194. Eastern or western clothes?
  195. Post a picture of your makeup
  196. Name of the makeup's brand you usually buy?
  197. What's the most expensive make up you've bought?
  198. What's the cheapest make up you've bought?
  199. Post a picture of you in makeup
  200. Post a picture of you without makeup
  201. Do you wear wakeup to work or not?
  202. Post a picture of you in your funniest shirt
  203. Post a picture of you in your best shirt
  204. Post a picture of you in your worst shirt
  205. If you could shop from one brand for free forever, which one would it be?
  206. If you were given a wish to bankrupt one company, which company would you bankrupt?
  207. Where do you usually buy your accessories from?
  208. What kind of accessories do you wear usually?
  209. What's the most money you've given away?
  210. Do you spend money on your friends?
  211. If so, how much usually?
  212. Do your friends spend money on you?
  213. What's the most expensive gift you've bought for someone?
  214. What's the most expensive gift you've recieved?
  215. What's the cheapest gift you've received?
  216. Has your gift ever been rejected?
  217. What game do you prefer to play 21 questions or truth/dare?
  218. What questions do you usually ask a person to get to know them?
  219. Would you rather forgive or take revenge?
Holy cow de mother of gode!!! What have you done sweetheart? :eek:[DOUBLEPOST=1502219709][/DOUBLEPOST]
  1. Where are you from?
  2. Where do you live?
  3. How many siblings do you have?
  4. Are you in a relationship?
  5. What do you do?
  6. Do you have any nicknames?
  7. Where do you study?
  8. How old are you?
  9. What's your favourite color?
  10. What's your favourite food?
  11. What's your favourite movie?
  12. What's your favourite TV show?
  13. What's your favourite game?
  14. How tall are you?
  15. What's your weight?
  16. Who was your first crush?
  17. Who was your first partner?
  18. What is your birth of date?
  19. What are your future plans?
  20. Do you like or hate your job?
  21. What's your hobby?
  22. What are your talents?
  23. If you were to wish for superpowers, what would they be?
  24. What would your superhero name be?
  25. What team would you join after becoming an superhero? (Avengers, Justice League etc)
  26. Would you reveal your identity to the world?
  27. If you had superpowers, would you misuse them for your own purposes?
  28. How would your superhero costume look like?
  29. Where would your secret superhero hideout be?
  30. How would your hideout look like?
  31. If you were to choose any superhero to become your sidekick, who would it be?
  32. If you were to choose any superhero as your enemy, who would it be?
  33. If you were to assemble a new superhero team, which superheroes would you include in them?
  34. What would your superhero car look like?
  35. Would you rather live a normal life or a weird life?
  36. Would you sacrifice yourself to save other people?
  37. If you were to found out your loved one is a evil mastermind, would you stop them or join their side?
  38. Are you a psychic in any way?
  39. Most embarrassing thing to happen to you?
  40. Funniest thing to happen to you?
  41. Scariest thing to happen to you?
  42. Best thing to happen to you?
  43. What your shoe size is?
  44. What is your favourite outfit?
  45. Do you prefer to wear eastern or western?
  46. What are your favourite type of shoes?
  47. Are you a good actor?
  48. Are you a good liar?
  49. Do you prefer to live alone or with someone?
  50. Your favourite job and why?
  51. What's the scariest thing you've done?
  52. Do you have any family secrets?
  53. Famous ancestors?
  54. What's your hairstyle?
  55. What hairstyle do you like on the opposite gender?
  56. How do you look without makeup?
  57. What accessory on the opposite gender is a big turnoff?
  58. Do you know how to swim?
  59. Name of the highest building in your area?
  60. Are you afraid of heights?
  61. Have you ever gone parachuting or para-diving?
  62. If you were given chance to paradive or go parachuting, would you?
  63. Are you scared of the water?
  64. Have you ever been on a speedboat?
  65. Do you like traveling?
  66. Do you have a habit of getting sick during travelling?
  67. Best hotel you've lived at?
  68. Worst hotel you've lived at?
  69. Worst country you've been to?
  70. Best country you've been to?
  71. How is your country's community?
  72. Do you see any tourists in your country?
  73. Post a picture of your country's flag
  74. If you were to design your country's flag, how would it look like?
  75. Do you go outside alot or not? (excluding work, school etc)
  76. Where do you prefer to go when going outside?
  77. Who makes plans most the times? you or your friends?
  78. What sport you don't know how to play, but want to learn?
  79. Where do you see yourself in 1 month?
  80. Where do you see yourself in 1 year ?
  81. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
  82. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
  83. Where do you see yourself in 20 years?
  84. Where do you see yourself in 30 years?
  85. Where do you see yourself in 50 years?
  86. If you could switch families, would you?
  87. Are you close to your family or not?
  88. If you were given chance to join politics, would you?
  89. If you were given chance to change your country's national anthem, what would it be?
  90. What foreign country do you dislike the most?
  91. What country do you like the most?
  92. If you were to run away from your family, where would you run off too?
  93. If you were in trouble, who would you go to first?
  94. Who's your crime partner?
  95. Do you know how to keep secrets?
  96. What do you prefer to waste most of your money on?
  97. If you were to be deserted, what 3 items would you take with yourself?
  98. Would you be ready to sacrifice yourself for your family or not?
  99. If a family member, best friend or a hot male were about to fall of a cliff and you could only save one. Who would it be?
  100. If you could eliminate one social network from the site, which one would it be and why?
  101. Your favourite social networking site?
  102. Your least favourite social networking site?
  103. If you were to make a social networking site of your own, what would it be about?
  104. If you could make changes to any social network, what would it be?
  105. Your most liked picture on Facebook?
  106. Your least liked picture on Facebook?
  107. Your most sexiest picture?
  108. Your most funniest photo?
  109. Your most embarrasing photo?
  110. If you could take a picture with any celebrity, who would it be?
  111. Would you cheat on your partner with your favourite celebrity if gotten the chance?
  112. What annoys you?
  113. What embarrases you?
  114. How much frequently do you get ill?
  115. What's the longest you've been ill?
  116. What was the cause of you being ill?
  117. Do you fake illness sometimes to avoid going to school or work?
  118. What's the shortest time you've been ill?
  119. Worst disease you've gotten?
  120. Do you have a family doctor or visit random doctors?
  121. Are there any diseases that run in your family?
  122. If yes, which?
  123. Longest you've been on bedrest?
  124. What do you usually do when you're ill?
  125. Do you tend to google your problems?
  126. Google or Doctor?
  127. Ever had a bad accident?
  128. If yes, how?
  129. How many times you've had accidents in your life?
  130. Have you ever seen someone die right infront of your eyes?
  131. If yes, how did they die?
  132. Do you prefer therapists or friends?
  133. Something that most people don't know about you?
  134. Do likes on social networks matter to you or not?
  135. If you were to become instantly famous on any social network, which one would it be?
  136. What social network would you wanna avoid?
  137. If you could talk to any celebrity on social network, who would it be?
  138. Your opinions on sexting?
  139. If you were to catch your partner cheating, what would be your reaction?
  140. Do you prefer friends over family or family over friends?
  141. What do you think is the greatest invention and why?
  142. Are you more of a friendly or a rude person?
  143. Do you prefer countryside or the city?
  144. If you were a farmer, what would you grow?
  145. If you had a chance to move to the countryside away from city, would you?
  146. If so, why?
  147. Do you think countryside or city is better?
  148. Why?
  149. How do you usually start conversations?
  150. When it comes to socializing, are you the one to start convos first or them?
  151. Are you awkward?
  152. How would you approach your crush?
  153. Why is your crush your crush?
  154. Ways to your heart?
  155. Do you think any kind of afterlife exists?
  156. What do you think happens after death?
  157. What's the strangest dream you've had?
  158. What's the scariest dream you've had?
  159. What do you usually dream about?
  160. Do you discuss your dreams with other people?
  161. Have you ever had a dream that came true later on?
  162. What do you think about dreams?
  163. How much do you cry?
  164. Are you sensitive?
  165. How many emails do you usually get everyday?
  166. How many texts do you get usually get everyday?
  167. How many calls do you usually get everyday?
  168. Do you prefer to speak on call or texting?
  169. What's your favourite instant messaging app?
  170. Do you backup your texts or delete them?
  171. Do you usually delete photos in your phone or keep them?
  172. If so, how do you keep them safe?
  173. our secrets with?
  174. Are you able to keep other peoples secrets?
  175. If you were asked to tell all your bestfriend's secrets at gunpoint, would you?
  176. What's the most money you've ever held?
  177. What's the most money you've spent in a single day?
  178. What's the most expensive thing you've bought in your whole life?
  179. What's the most cheapest thing you've bought?
  180. Where do you usually buy your clothes from?
  181. What's the most expensive clothes you bought?
  182. What's the most cheapest clothes you've bought?
  183. Best brand?
  184. Worst brand?
  185. Your top 5 favourite brands?
  186. If you could invest in any brand, which brand would you invest on?
  187. Are you obsessed about undergarments?
  188. Describe your best undergarment
  189. Where do you usually buy your undergarments from?
  190. Why is it that women are comfortable with men looking at them in bikini, but not in undergarments?
  191. Do you prefer cheap or expensive clothes?
  192. Jeans or trousers?
  193. Do you prefer modest or revealing clothes?
  194. Eastern or western clothes?
  195. Post a picture of your makeup
  196. Name of the makeup's brand you usually buy?
  197. What's the most expensive make up you've bought?
  198. What's the cheapest make up you've bought?
  199. Post a picture of you in makeup
  200. Post a picture of you without makeup
  201. Do you wear wakeup to work or not?
  202. Post a picture of you in your funniest shirt
  203. Post a picture of you in your best shirt
  204. Post a picture of you in your worst shirt
  205. If you could shop from one brand for free forever, which one would it be?
  206. If you were given a wish to bankrupt one company, which company would you bankrupt?
  207. Where do you usually buy your accessories from?
  208. What kind of accessories do you wear usually?
  209. What's the most money you've given away?
  210. Do you spend money on your friends?
  211. If so, how much usually?
  212. Do your friends spend money on you?
  213. What's the most expensive gift you've bought for someone?
  214. What's the most expensive gift you've recieved?
  215. What's the cheapest gift you've received?
  216. Has your gift ever been rejected?
  217. What game do you prefer to play 21 questions or truth/dare?
  218. What questions do you usually ask a person to get to know them?
  219. Would you rather forgive or take revenge?

The sheer volume of questions just pisses me off!
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I'd want to ask ya some tech questions:

Intel or AMD

Nvidia or AMD

Windows 7 or 10.

Wired or Wireless KB/Mouse.

Ultimate PC or Budget build.

iOS or Android

Qualcomm or Exynos.

Coding or Drag*n*drop.

Building a PC or Buying a laptop.

Why AMD is cheaper than intel?

I'd want to ask ya some tech questions:

Intel or AMD
Intel. I do believe it's huge. Never tried AMD.

Nvidia or AMD
Nvidia. I do believe it's huge. Never tried AMD.

Windows 7 or 10.
Win 7. Just can't pick win 10 as why else would I uninstall it in couple of days and roll back to win 8 on my computer? I like win 8 though more that I do win 7.

Wired or Wireless KB/Mouse.
Who on earth would pick wired if wireless is an option? Wired devices become annoying sometimes, especially mouse.

Ultimate PC or Budget build.
I'd want Ultimate PC but see I don't have that money, so I have to go for Budget build.

iOS or Android
Never tried iOS. Still think Android has an edge on iOS since they're open source.

Qualcomm or Exynos.
I like Qualcomm. Their processors are really efficient if they come in octa-cores.

Coding or Drag*n*drop.
Coding's cool but it's challenging, apt for my brain. But sometimes I just get annoyed with coding part if it's too complex. Drag n drop is newer and better tech, integrated with some app-building ways. They come in handy, save time. So I have to admit I kinda love it. You have to write code behind virtual objects anyway if you want to see them working.

Building a PC or Buying a laptop.
Building a PC.

Why AMD is cheaper than intel?
I have no idea. Maybe AMD have some inadequate technology.
Which season is your favourite? (winter, summer, autumn or spring)

Favourite animal?

Your favourite artist?

What was your first job?

Do you have any brothers or sisters?

The last concert or music festival you went to?

Dancing or running?

The best costume you have worn to a party?

How many chocolate smarties could you eat in a minute?

Have you ever played a musical instrument?

Your best moment in Primary School?

Favourite vegetable?

Peanut butter or Vegemite?
  1. Where are you from? Belguam Dist., Karnataka, India.
  2. Where do you live? Kolhapur City, Maharashtra, India.
  3. How many siblings do you have? One.
  4. Are you in a relationship? No.
  5. What do you do? I'm learning. Also keeping my parents all satisfied so they keep paying for my stuffs. Don't fall for that, I'm a good son.
  6. Do you have any nicknames? There's one. Chaits.
  7. Where do you study? An institution under Shivaji university, Maharashtra.
  8. How old are you? Will get 20 in 16 days.
  9. What's your favourite color? Blue.
  10. What's your favourite food? Indian paneer curry with puri.
  11. What's your favourite movie? The Green Mile and Forrest Gump.
  12. What's your favourite TV show? F.R.I.E.N.D.S.
  13. What's your favourite game? Age of Empires 2
  14. How tall are you? 5 ft and 9.685 inches (that's ft&inch conversion for 177 cm)
  15. What's your weight? 170 lbs
  16. Who was your first crush? School teacher, second grade.
  17. Who was your first partner? I had a girlfriend. She used to be a friend from my neighborhood.
  18. What is your birth of date? 25/08/1997
  19. What are your future plans? Live and always be at peace.
  20. Do you like or hate your job? I don't have work right now. I'm studying.
  21. What's your hobby? Sports, cycling, yoga, movies, leagues in here.
  22. What are your talents? I can effectively run leagues in here. I'm good at calculating numbers without any help. I can entertain people. I can talk a lot if that counts as a talent.
  23. If you were to wish for superpowers, what would they be? Probably control @SweetCaroline 's mind so that I can make her not drop so many questions all at once.
  24. What would your superhero name be? Spiderman, but it's already taken. My surname means spider, so. Or Rabbit Hood.
  25. What team would you join after becoming an superhero? (Avengers, Justice League etc) Marvel's. They got so much strength and powers, they're high number.
  26. Would you reveal your identity to the world? Yeah. I don't want to have fear of anything in life so yeah!
  27. If you had superpowers, would you misuse them for your own purposes? Maybe not.
  28. How would your superhero costume look like? Onepiece, tight, dark blue colored, goggles, no crap covering up my head as deadpool or iron man. Imagine!
  29. Where would your secret superhero hideout be? Probably a cave.
  30. How would your hideout look like? Like a cave.
  31. If you were to choose any superhero to become your sidekick, who would it be? Iron Man. He can hit from distances.
  32. If you were to choose any superhero as your enemy, who would it be? Batman. I can tease him about his parents, make him mentally weak and win the fight. If he accidentally turns stronger, I'm bloody dead though. Wouldn't mind taking a chance anyways.
  33. If you were to assemble a new superhero team, which superheroes would you include in them? Deadpool, Iron Man (Need some talkative people on my team), Black widow (for some sexual inspiration if real one happens be as hotter as Scarlett Johansson otherwise I'll go for any other hotter superhero woman with good powers), Dr. Strange (He'll probably lead) and The Joker (I'll try turning him into a good guy and maybe hire as team leader. Poor Strange.)
  34. What would your superhero car look like? Like this one
  35. Would you rather live a normal life or a weird life? Weird obviously.
  36. Would you sacrifice yourself to save other people? Yes. That'll help me become somebody. It is nicer to die saving someone's life than to die being nobody.
  37. If you were to found out your loved one is a evil mastermind, would you stop them or join their side? Join them, earn their trust and then stop them. If I try to stop them initially, they'll probably kill me.
  38. Are you a psychic in any way? No. But I'm not sure if answering over 200 questions in just one sitting is paranormal.
  39. Most embarrassing thing to happen to you? There have been some but right now I can't think of one!
  40. Funniest thing to happen to you? Same as above. Something's weird with me right now.
  41. Scariest thing to happen to you? My face was exposed to hot water from a pressure cooker. I had a serious injury, skin on my face was literally baked.
  42. Best thing to happen to you? I think I'll say it for rest of my life: My introduction with yoga practices. I've become more of a practically thinker, imaginer, cool person since then.
  43. What your shoe size is? 10 (UK/Indian)
  44. What is your favourite outfit? Jeans and casual shirt (denim mostly) with boots.
  45. Do you prefer to wear eastern or western? Western and Indian.
  46. What are your favourite type of shoes? Boots and sneakers.
  47. Are you a good actor? Not when I'm facing camera.
  48. Are you a good liar? Yeah.
  49. Do you prefer to live alone or with someone? Some people being around is great.
  50. Your favourite job and why? Don't have job yet but I'd like to be a video game producer, so that I can create games of my own liking.
  51. What's the scariest thing you've done? Jump into water from an effective height for a ten year old. I could not breathe once I was into water and could not be sure if I was alive anymore. That was for few moments. People helped me get out of water then. I din't go swimming few days after that since my parents did not let me, although I so wanted to go.
  52. Do you have any family secrets? Not something I'll discuss here. Anyway, aren't they treated as secrets for a reason?
  53. Famous ancestors? Not any.
  54. What's your hairstyle? I do normally have long messy hair with low fade and short beard. Now for some reason I'm having short hairs.
  55. What hairstyle do you like on the opposite gender? Long(not too long) and curly, open, some hair covering some part of woman's forehead, any natural color. I just don't know by what name this hair style is being known.
  56. How do you look without makeup? Kind of cool. But really have to face wash twice or thrice a day and apply some moisturizer to look good as a smiler.
  57. What accessory on the opposite gender is a big turnoff? Dark lipsticks.
  58. Do you know how to swim? Yes.
  59. Name of the highest building in your area? Don't know.
  60. Are you afraid of heights? Yes.
  61. Have you ever gone parachuting or para-diving? No.
  62. If you were given chance to paradive or go parachuting, would you? Yes.
  63. Are you scared of the water? Yes if it's the water home of aggressive animals. It's okay if there are only average sized fishes and turtles.
  64. Have you ever been on a speedboat? No.
  65. Do you like traveling? Matters on type of conveyance I'm having.
  66. Do you have a habit of getting sick during travelling? Yes.
  67. Best hotel you've lived at? Don't remember its name. Somewhere in Pune. Great food and a gorgeous room.
  68. Worst hotel you've lived at? A hotel in Vellore, India. Had difficulties with behavior of management people and with the services for money we paid.
  69. Worst country you've been to? Haven't been abroad yet.
  70. Best country you've been to? Haven't been abroad yet.
  71. How is your country's community? Complicated.
  72. Do you see any tourists in your country? Yes, often.
  73. Post a picture of your country's flag I like it more when it's waving.
  74. If you were to design your country's flag, how would it look like? I have no idea. If I were to change now, well I won't change it even a bit. I truly love it, the colors and the "Ashokchakra" symbol are of some great value to us.
  75. Do you go outside alot or not? (excluding work, school etc) Not a lot.
  76. Where do you prefer to go when going outside? At a friend's place.
  77. Who makes plans most the times? you or your friends? No I don't.
  78. What sport you don't know how to play, but want to learn? Golf.
  79. Where do you see yourself in 1 month? Early September.
  80. Where do you see yourself in 1 year ? Next Year.
  81. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 2022.
  82. Where do you see yourself in 10 years? 2027.
  83. Where do you see yourself in 20 years? 2037
  84. Where do you see yourself in 30 years? 2047.
  85. Where do you see yourself in 50 years? 2067 or probably dead.
  86. If you could switch families, would you? No. The one right now is amazing.
  87. Are you close to your family or not? Too close. We all live at same place.
  88. If you were given chance to join politics, would you? As a smart Indian youth, absolutely no. Politics will definitely ruin my life here.
  89. If you were given chance to change your country's national anthem, what would it be? I won't change it.
  90. What foreign country do you dislike the most? Pakistan.
  91. What country do you like the most? India.
  92. If you were to run away from your family, where would you run off too? At a friend's place that they don't know about.
  93. If you were in trouble, who would you go to first? My closest friends.
  94. Who's your crime partner? My closest and good friends.
  95. Do you know how to keep secrets? Indeed.
  96. What do you prefer to waste most of your money on? Junk food.
  97. If you were to be deserted, what 3 items would you take with yourself? There's no chance I could survive. I'll pick my mobile phone so that I could be texting people 'good-bye' messages and list down all the amazing things I might have done by the time on my facebook wall. So if there are any people who consider me a jerk will be convinced to quit thinking that wise. Also a piece of footwear as the sand might be hotter, I won't have any problem wearing them on. And also something to cover my ass, maybe a boxer so that I can sit in comfort when I want to.
  98. Would you be ready to sacrifice yourself for your family or not? Anytime.
  99. If a family member, best friend or a hot male were about to fall of a cliff and you could only save one. Who would it be? I'll probably go for the person right next to me not concerning if a family member or a best friend. It's like a reflex.
  100. If you could eliminate one social network from the site, which one would it be and why? Twitter since I don't have it.
  101. Your favourite social networking site? Facebook.
  102. Your least favourite social networking site? Twitter.
  103. If you were to make a social networking site of your own, what would it be about? A youtube alike.
  104. If you could make changes to any social network, what would it be? I'd add dislike button on Facebook.
  105. Your most liked picture on Facebook? Haven't been posting lately. I had quit my previous account where I'd share my photos. But now days just been using a new account to keep in touch with people.
  106. Your least liked picture on Facebook? Probably the early one.
  107. Your most sexiest picture? I don't know.
  108. Your most funniest photo? I had it posted on FB with an expression that described how I felt after facing the busiest examination of my school or college life.
  109. Your most embarrasing photo? The first few selfies I take before I find the really good one.
  110. If you could take a picture with any celebrity, who would it be? Johnny Depp, Him and I both wearing Jack Sparrow outfit.
  111. Would you cheat on your partner with your favourite celebrity if gotten the chance? I so will.
  112. What annoys you? India's news network. Them people hardly have anything constructive to say.
  113. What embarrases you? To be nude when there are people around.
  114. How much frequently do you get ill? Once in a year or two years.
  115. What's the longest you've been ill? Two days at most from what I remember. From what I have heard through my parents I used to be ill frequently whilst I was 1 year old child.
  116. What was the cause of you being ill? I don't know.
  117. Do you fake illness sometimes to avoid going to school or work? A lot of times.
  118. What's the shortest time you've been ill? Don't know.
  119. Worst disease you've gotten? I have allergy of a plant, weed typed. Had something itchy all over my skin for two-three days.
  120. Do you have a family doctor or visit random doctors? I mostly visit my family doctor unless she suggest a specialist.
  121. Are there any diseases that run in your family? Not something I'd like to discuss here.
  122. If yes, which? No yes.
  123. Longest you've been on bedrest? 13 hours I think.
  124. What do you usually do when you're ill? Stay home, follow doctor's instructions. And also try some home remedies along with the medication instructed by the doctor.
  125. Do you tend to google your problems? Yeah. Really good question though. But I hardly come up with constructive solutions so I feel it shouldn't be a choice.
  126. Google or Doctor? Doctor mostly.
  127. Ever had a bad accident? Yes.
  128. If yes, how? Slipped off motorcyle. Had a knee injury and some wounds on arms and around knee area.
  129. How many times you've had accidents in your life? A couple of.
  130. Have you ever seen someone die right in front of your eyes? Yes.
  131. If yes, how did they die? Of an severe heart attack.
  132. Do you prefer therapists or friends? Friends are really good.
  133. Something that most people don't know about you? It's about the lies I have told them.
  134. Do likes on social networks matter to you or not? Usual likes from usual people don't interest me anymore.
  135. If you were to become instantly famous on any social network, which one would it be? Instagram.
  136. What social network would you wanna avoid? Twitter. I don't really want people to follow me so badly. I don't have an option to limit people who follow me. As when I post something they like, they'll appreciate and advertise my posts all over the place. But when they don't like, especially if they're hurt reading my posts, they would insanely insult me which I won't really like. Although all this time I'd be twitting just what I truly feel.
  137. If you could talk to any celebrity on social network, who would it be? Tom Hanks.
  138. Your opinions on sexting? Sexting, seriously?
  139. If you were to catch your partner cheating, what would be your reaction? Whoa!
  140. Do you prefer friends over family or family over friends? Family at most.
  141. What do you think is the greatest invention and why? Internet. Now I don't need to explain the why.
  142. Are you more of a friendly or a rude person? How do I sound to you?
  143. Do you prefer countryside or the city? Countryside.
  144. If you were a farmer, what would you grow? Sweet Corns.
  145. If you had a chance to move to the countryside away from city, would you? Yes.
  146. If so, why? Countryside is a better place to live in. One thing I love most about countryside is that its richness in fresh vegetables, fresh air, fruits and so on. Also I find it as way too peaceful place over city.
  147. Do you think countryside or city is better? Countryside.
  148. Why? One thing I love most about countryside is that its richness in fresh vegetables, fresh air, fruits and so on. Also I find it as way too peaceful place over city.
  149. How do you usually start conversations? With a greet. Just say hello.
  150. When it comes to socializing, are you the one to start convos first or them? Not sure. Depends on who has got more interesting topic to discuss.
  151. Are you awkward? Sometimes.
  152. How would you approach your crush? Stalk. Sometimes talk to her if she stalks back.
  153. Why is your crush your crush? Because she has elegant looks.
  154. Ways to your heart? I'm not that all serious unless I'm in a relationship.
  155. Do you think any kind of afterlife exists? Bullshit.
  156. What do you think happens after death? The person can not come alive again.
  157. What's the strangest dream you've had? Having sex with some girl I never met.
  158. What's the scariest dream you've had? There were hundreds of snakes inside my house. Nobody else cared of them but I was dead scared of them.
  159. What do you usually dream about? Can't say much. Most of the times I find myself alone, doing something.
  160. Do you discuss your dreams with other people? Sometimes when I feel it was important or funny I do.
  161. Have you ever had a dream that came true later on? None that I can remember.
  162. What do you think about dreams? It's weird.
  163. How much do you cry? A bit and very rarely.
  164. Are you sensitive? A little sensitive.
  165. How many emails do you usually get everyday? I check my email inbox once in a blue moon. So I literally have no idea.
  166. How many texts do you get usually get everyday? Around 10 if I'm not into a conversation. Otherwise up to a big extent since I'm a talkative person. I talk, they talk back.
  167. How many calls do you usually get everyday? One or two if I'm on vacation. May vary otherwise
  168. Do you prefer to speak on call or texting? Texting.
  169. What's your favourite instant messaging app? Hike.
  170. Do you backup your texts or delete them? I'm doubtful in this case.
  171. Do you usually delete photos in your phone or keep them? I keep the favorite ones.
  172. If so, how do you keep them safe? I've password locked the gallery application.
  173. our secrets with? What?
  174. Are you able to keep other peoples secrets? Yea, I do.
  175. If you were asked to tell all your bestfriend's secrets at gunpoint, would you? I want my best friend to be at gunpoint as he knows his secrets well. :p
  176. What's the most money you've ever held? Approximately 10k INR.
  177. What's the most money you've spent in a single day? Approximately 8k INR. I don't earn yet, so.
  178. What's the most expensive thing you've bought in your whole life? My parents buying me a thing doesn't count, right?
  179. What's the most cheapest thing you've bought? A candy.
  180. Where do you usually buy your clothes from? Myntra or Flipkart.
  181. What's the most expensive clothes you bought? A casual shirt or a trouser I guess.
  182. What's the most cheapest clothes you've bought? A t-shirt from nearby superstore.
  183. Best brand? Roadster. Good quality and elegance for the price.
  184. Worst brand? Haven't tried a worst brand yet.
  185. Your top 5 favourite brands? Can't really pick.
  186. If you could invest in any brand, which brand would you invest on? Roadster.
  187. Are you obsessed about undergarments? It's certainly not that critical.
  188. Describe your best undergarment Y-front and vests.
  189. Where do you usually buy your undergarments from? Garments store nearby.
  190. Why is it that women are comfortable with men looking at them in bikini, but not in undergarments? Are you serious?
  191. Do you prefer cheap or expensive clothes? When it comes to clothing I buy what I like.
  192. Jeans or trousers? Jeans.
  193. Do you prefer modest or revealing clothes? Both. Depends on where I'm going or what I have to do.
  194. Eastern or western clothes? Western and Indian.
  195. Post a picture of your makeup Pass.
  196. Name of the makeup's brand you usually buy? I hardly buy a moisturizer.
  197. What's the most expensive make up you've bought? I don't feel wasting money is such good idea.
  198. What's the cheapest make up you've bought? A moisturizer.
  199. Post a picture of you in makeup Pass.
  200. Post a picture of you without makeup Pass.
  201. Do you wear makeup to work or not? I hardly apply any moisturizer, that's all.
  202. Post a picture of you in your funniest shirt Pass.
  203. Post a picture of you in your best shirt Pass.
  204. Post a picture of you in your worst shirt Pass.
  205. If you could shop from one brand for free forever, which one would it be? One brand that has wide variety of garments.
  206. If you were given a wish to bankrupt one company, which company would you bankrupt? Colgate.
  207. Where do you usually buy your accessories from? Nearby stores or online.
  208. What kind of accessories do you wear usually? Glasses, watch. Sometimes a cap.
  209. What's the most money you've given away? I'm so poor to do that.
  210. Do you spend money on your friends? Yeah, I do.
  211. If so, how much usually? Varies. But precisely more than they do on me.
  212. Do your friends spend money on you? Quite rarely.
  213. What's the most expensive gift you've bought for someone? I'm not a good gift giving person as I suck at making choices.
  214. What's the most expensive gift you've received? I don't remember that part about gifts I have received.
  215. What's the cheapest gift you've received? I don't remember about this part either.
  216. Has your gift ever been rejected? No I guess.
  217. What game do you prefer to play 21 questions or truth/dare? Neither.
  218. What questions do you usually ask a person to get to know them? About their place, work, etc. Then I talk to them about movies, and all I have to know about them comes from there.
  219. Would you rather forgive or take revenge? Unforgivable acts must be avenged.
Last edited:

Which season is your favourite? (winter, summer, autumn or spring)
Winter. It's not too cold in here during winter. Snow falling is not even a possibility in the part of country which I live in. But I kinda like the weather once sun is out. temperature is 22 degree Celsius at maximum. Wind is smooth and feels nice. Since it doesn't rain, that makes it greater.

Favourite animal?
Cats are the best animal!

Your favourite artist?
Salavat Fidai. Proper artist. Initially got to see his arts on his Instagram account.

What was your first job?
I'm not at work yet. Right now I'm in second year of graduation.

Do you have any brothers or sisters?
A brother.

The last concert or music festival you went to?
I haven't did!

Dancing or running?
Dancing! With some music on, it feels great.

The best costume you have worn to a party?
I once went to a school traditional day party wearing exactly this outfit.

How many chocolate smarties could you eat in a minute?
Too many.

Have you ever played a musical instrument?
Yeah, I've tried playing a Veena. Was so obsessed to learn playing that professionally while I was younger. If you don't know how it looks like.

Your best moment in Primary School?
Probably winning a sport contest.

Favourite vegetable?
Corn, cucumber, daikon and many. I don't hesitate consuming lots of different vegetables.

Peanut butter or Vegemite?
Penuter butter.
Simple question(s)

I had sneakily changed your user title to Rabbit Hood. I didn't change your username though, was that you? :D

Would you like your user title changed back?
Simple question(s)

I had sneakily changed your user title to Rabbit Hood. I didn't change your username though, was that you? :D

Would you like your user title changed back?

No, that sounds about right. I'm fine with keeping it.
  1. If you were to wish for superpowers, what would they be? Probably control @SweetCaroline 's mind so that I can make her not drop so many questions all at once.
Just asking for trouble x
  1. How would your superhero costume look like? Onepiece, tight, dark blue colored.
I will lend you one of my swimsuits... ?
  1. Are you more of a friendly or a rude person? How do I sound to you?
All good! x

  1. Why is it that women are comfortable with men looking at them in bikini, but not in undergarments? Are you serious?
Don't worry I have answered for both of us


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