Random Thoughts

Is the Magnus affect in spin bowling drift? or dip?

Both. When the ball spins it takes a layer of air with it called the boundary layer with it. In spin bowling (and curve balls and other variations in baseball) the boundary layer is moving with the rotation of the ball on one side and against the rotation of the ball on the other. When it is moving with rotation, it creates a low pressure situation. When moving against it, it creates a high pressure situation. The ball then proceeds to unexpectedly deviate according to the pressure differential (high to low).

1 paragraph excerpt of a near 30 page thesis, why could I just turn this in :p
For some reason I was absent minded and tried shaving with toothpaste on my face.
I have shaving cream that comes in a toothpaste tube.

I have the normal Gillette spray tube. Since it was early morning, I think I started out with the intention of brushing my teeth. But my mind wandered and got switched to shaving mode. :p

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