Random Thoughts

Sorry. Chance has it that my ex rings me up for a funking chat. Sakes.

Dumped by text after 3 years?! That's classless to be fair.

But, as you said, single sounds appealing; happy days son :)
Well to be fair to her (not that I want to), we had discussed this 2 weekends ago when I saw her last. She is in grad school in the Mid West, so the distance thing couple with a few indiscretions on both of our parts have killed it.

I pretty much knew it was over when I left Kansas City
Fair shout then son. Cut up about it at all?

Because you seem pretty sound about it; I know I was in bed for a couple of days after mine finished...
I would have been cut up a year ago tbh, but we've grown apart a lot over the last 6 months. It was an eventuality, Im not moving to Pittsburgh and she is looking for a job there, she don't want to come back to Texas, I don't want to move North and live with Yankee kunts. So it was kind of a mutual thing, the txt today was just her way of reminding me that its over :(

Mark added 2 Minutes and 5 Seconds later...

also tbh, theres a girl at my work Ive been getting along with who is single ... holla!
Fair enough.

Time to rebound :)

To counter your edit:


How old are you, out of interest?
The wounded gazelle gets lots of attention so Ive heard. I know I sound crass and cold right now but I am actually hurting. I just can't let that get the better of my Texan bravado! I refuse to feel emotional pain!
████ I feel like an idiot. I was txting one of my best mates seeing if he's going out tonight then he says blah blah "and I'm 17 now" :facepalm
Can't believe I forgot his Birthday was a couple of days ago. I feel like a dick because he always remembers my birthday :laugh
Facebook is quite handy at reminding me when people's birthdays are. The bad thing is when you don't check in the morning, see them during the day and forget to say happy birthday, get home and then remember.
Yeah, I don't even have facebook! Man the disadvantages.
So I txt another mate and asked when the guys Bday was and he said 2 days ago and my other mate turned 18 yesterday! Gee I need facebook
My friend has been going out with this girl for 9 months and he said they having a bit of a break right now and doesn't want me interferring. Been tuning her for about 2 weeks and meeting her on Monday and he doesn't know. What you think?
virgin now covvy?

What a nerd!


mattfb added 0 Minutes and 53 Seconds later...

My friend has been going out with this girl for 9 months and he said they having a bit of a break right now and doesn't want me interferring. Been tuning her for about 2 weeks and meeting her on Monday and he doesn't know. What you think?

Bro's before Hoes.

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