Random Thoughts

The butterfly effect is a metaphor that encapsulates the concept of sensitive dependence on initial conditions in chaos theory; namely that small differences in the initial condition of a dynamical system may produce large variations in the long term behavior of the system. Although this may appear to be an esoteric and unusual behavior, it is exhibited by very simple systems: for example, a ball placed at the crest of a hill might roll into any of several valleys depending on slight differences in initial position. The butterfly effect is a common trope in fiction when presenting scenarios involving time travel and with "what if" cases where one storyline diverges at the moment of a seemingly minor event resulting in two significantly different outcomes.

So basically it means if you somehow travel back in time and effect even smallest of thing like a butterfly, that would have drastic effects in the future.

The concept is that something as small and insignificant as a butterfly flapping it's wings could cause a typhoon somewhere down the line. Well, that's the example anyways. It's on Wikipedia too I think, if you read the full article.

The actual reason behind the name is that the diagram drawn when you show one small change --> big changes in the future ended up looking like...a butterfly.

This Month in Physics History

If you read back memories from your diary theres a slight chance you'll be transported back in time to that point in you life.
But that is just mentally, not physically.

Same happens when listening to old songs, I guess. :)
I'm getting a scribe for exams :S

OMG, that is a complete bitch. Seriously, if you have essay writing exams, get a laptop or something. I had to do this for my GCSE's as I shattered one of the bones in my thumb into two playing hockey. I had to do some of my shorter answer papers with a scribe and it was a massive annoyance, not just awkward.

There was no way I would have wanted to dictate an essay.

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