Random Thoughts

Senioritis has well set in now. Struggling to write a 3 page essay for Bioethics. Granted its a bit of a tricky topic... there is this organization that pays $300 to drug addicts to undergo long term birth control or sterilization to prevent their children from inheriting the parents' addictions. Is it ethical to pay these people money to do this?

i'm saying yes. 1 page down out of 3...graghaglj i don't wanna!
Senioritis has well set in now. Struggling to write a 3 page essay for Bioethics. Granted its a bit of a tricky topic... there is this organization that pays $300 to drug addicts to undergo long term birth control or sterilization to prevent their children from inheriting the parents' addictions. Is it ethical to pay these people money to do this?

i'm saying yes. 1 page down out of 3...graghaglj i don't wanna!

I wonder what they'd buy with that 300.
I also face same problem when i was in university even my birthday always came during exams so we first give exam and and then all my class fellows go to restaurant to celebrate my birthday but in a great hurry as we also a exam next day.

Urg, final few hours of being 20 :( I hate how I always get uni exams on and around my birthday, totally kills the mood having to postpone my party a couple of weeks so people can actually sit exams sober! :(

I think I must have been in someone's good books lol as the last 24 hours have been the best of my life for good things to happen in quick succession.

I've just been given a massive pay rise at work, I won ?200 in the casino last night and I have a date with this stunning, rich, funny girl tonight who seems for some unknown reason to think that I am suitable dating material, poor her :p
just move on to guys already Tom, too much drama with you and women.

Wouldn't that solve everything? I got dumped the other day because she didn't think our relationship was "going anywhere" I'm fourteen :facepalm
Go play with a pogo stick or something if you are 14. No point in getting bogged down by the opposite sex just yet, you have your entire life to do that.

Just won a game of pro evo against my housemate.

He was spain.

I was unirea urziceni.

he is basically in tears.

Just won a game of pro evo against my housemate.

He was spain.

I was unirea urziceni.

he is basically in tears.

That doesn't mean anything, you're playing the wrong game! Fifa is where its at.
I'm at work and bored because my boss has gone out and not left me any work to do :/
I do volunteer work at a disability place. It's rather annoying not being paid, but there are hardly any jobs out there. And I had no previous job experience. They should give me a great reference at the end though which I can use later to get a decent job. Only a week left at this place for me, and they've run out of work to give me because I'm so efficient :p Been playing angry birds for most of the day.

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