Random vcash


International Coach
Feb 12, 2007
Online Cricket Games Owned
is there any way to find out where i just got some vcash from, i was on here about 1 1/2 hours ago, and im almost 100% certain i didnt have any vcash on hand, i put it all in the bank, ive just come on and i have 1020 on hand, nothing from vbookie and not a donation, also no Fantasy cricket game has finished so it cant be that.
just wondered where it had come from as im sure i put all mine in the bank
I was testing some modifications which involved me running the has visited in the last 24 hours bonus script 4 times. I then found I couldn't take it away easily as the ACP option is there for adding x to each account but not taking x off it.
Enjoy your bonus cash.

Incidentally two members have had their vcash disabled and they no longer get the daily bonus and can't recieve donations. Please don't PM me telling you it won't let you send them money...
:D well cheers for that, ill go give it a spin in the casino to see if it can be increased anymore

lancashire666 added 2 Minutes and 4 Seconds later...

easy come easy go :p

Its the Vcash fairy ofcourse!

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