Saqlain Mushtaq to play for Ireland

barmyarmy said:
Afridi and Mushtaq! As long as there not allowed to play against Scotland...

Only way that'll happen is if Scotland and Ireland get to the final of the C&G, which ain't gonna happen.

You'll be avoiding them in the ODI and Intercontinental Cup games in August.
I just wanted to tell the Afridi news here, but I guess you people already knew it. Ireland cricket fans must be jumping out of their seats when they hear this.
Apart from Irish leg-spinner Greig Thompson who will probably now have to spend the duration of the C&G Trophy in the Lancashire 2nd XI instead of getting some big match experience under his belt.
Yo lets support Ireland :p, or should we stick to Scotland ...
It seems like a strange decision for Ireland to recruit those two Overseas players. I mean essentially they're not going to win it, so in my opinion it would have made more sense to give everybody some more experience. The only need for overseas players would then be to fill in for those players who have counties, such as the Wicketkeeper Niall O'Brien.
RoboRocks said:
What your saying is they shouldn't bother trying to win just becuase they have an unlikely chance of winning.
No, I'm saying that having Overseas players are not going to effect them in a huge way, so they may as well play the Irish players to get experience, expecially with the World Cup next year.
^ the presence of Afridi and Saqlain in the Irish dressing room could be a good learning experience for the rest of the Irish players and an even bigger learning experience on the field. What overseas players have done for English county cricket is raise the level. The same effect could be had on Irish cricket.

Personally i think it would have been better for the development of the likes of Ireland if they were in the league. It would give them a consistent base to improve on. Where as they could get knocked out of the C&G cup in their first game.

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