What's that?Well played man, I think you have the best reason to say that well known Scooby Doo catchphrase!
What's that?Well played man, I think you have the best reason to say that well known Scooby Doo catchphrase!
I think the fact that there were 5 mafia was a decent enough twist for me.
6ry4nj was - Daphne, The Red Head, Town Aligned.
Spoobir was - Yabba Doo, Doo Family Member, Town Aligned.
ARay is - 10,000 Volt Ghost, Top Villain, Mafia Aligned.
Would've been smarter to go for ARay (since he might be roleblock-immune) but, c'est la vie (and ca ne fait rien)!
I've just been puzzling over Night 5, when the mafia killer was blocked and I successfully blocked MaD, but MaD was not the mafia killer. Varun did not have a roleblock that night, busdriving is contraindicated by my successful roleblock of who I was going for. Only can suggest the mafia blocked their own killer.
Ray had an immunity?