Sep 1st - 5th: Donkeys @ Bitters (FC)

I score a century in the first innings, and am our best bowler in the 4th. Why do I have to do everything!
I was the top scorer in the second innings! Me and Zorax need to be promoted up the order I think. ;)
Timofy said:
Ahem, Excuse me!!

Nah, i've been playing badly, but I'm sure my form will come ... :(
Don't worry mate, you've got my support, I reckon Zorax is just a clown...paid off the other team to let him get that century.
tassietiger said:
Don't worry mate, you've got my support, I reckon Zorax is just a clown...paid off the other team to let him get that century.

Paid or not paid, making a century whilst batting all the way down at number 8 is quite an acchievement, especially when you're playing against us. ;)

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