Seriously need fix for online game issues


Club Captain
Jan 18, 2012
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Online Cricket Games Owned
  1. Don Bradman Cricket 14 - Steam PC
I am really frustrated at this. Even if both side connection is Top Notch the problem persists of disconnection, magic run outs, invisible deliveries and what not. :(
Yeap , add to that to once or twice occurence of Batsmen not responding at all and the bowled not given .

Online has its quirks , but it mostly plays very good . Just sometimes totally loses it.

After the latest patch , I had it 3 times in one T20 , where I hit a leg glance to mid wicket , run the single , and on the second run , suddenly get transported back to the crease with a "Bad Luck , played it on message.

On the replay , you see the batsmen hitting the ball , and then after couple of meters of ball travelling , it gets "recalled and reverses back to hit the wicket.

I have to play online for a good couple of games before I can give a more definitive answer , as my reference is just one t20 , vs my local buddy staying 5 kilo`s away.
Bowled out not given
Is still there.

Hbk once told me that they may bring some kind of indicator for online connections quality.
This will help for sure.
For a sport like cricket , errors due to lag are game breaking.

Much work to be done to make online gaming perfect.
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For the longevity of the game fixing online is a must

1. Bats man gets bowled but not given out
2. Ball magically teleporting to stumps even after a perfect timing
3. Fielders too slow to react
4. Super slow spinning deliveries which bounces almost twice
5. Sometimes 2 players are not able to connect each other at all even after restarting several times
6 . No indication of opponents connection quality which results in laggy games
7. Online custom game screen not auto refreshing and showing even five 5 games as 20 Overs
8. Run out glitch when batsman given out when he is well inside

May be I missed some but for a game to not loose interest online is must and more so for sports games because no matter how much perfect AI is made there will always be flaws which can be utilised
I played online today for the 1st time ever in any game.

Was a great and totally different experience. There are some bugs. I got bowled 3 times in a match and wasn't given out haha.

And something must be done about those sad players that bowl 20mkh spin loopie the loop balls and slow bowlers that's unplayable.

Every over they bowl is spin and slow shirt balls.

So sad.
Overall the game is awesome but still there are some things that can be improve....

1) Fielding needs to be fix......fielders react after ball pass through them
2) Keeper's reaction is too slow after collecting the ball for runout....
3) not able to connect with friends...i know its peer to peer but its not from our side....we are able to connect in other games easily but not in DBC....
4) 3rd umpire rarely use Not Out button.....even if the batsman is well inside the popping crease he was given run out.....
Well the above posts are all from some very good seasoned players....including me:p
We are playing online from day 1 of release.

So I hope and am sure big ant will listen.
And I request all the online players to compile all your complaints in a single thread here.

And yes many of us don't play offline at all.
So online is where we only belong.
I played online today for the 1st time ever in any game.

Was a great and totally different experience. There are some bugs. I got bowled 3 times in a match and wasn't given out haha.

And something must be done about those sad players that bowl 20mkh spin loopie the loop balls and slow bowlers that's unplayable.

Every over they bowl is spin and slow shirt balls.

So sad.

Just out of curiosity, how you checked the spin bowling speed as 20mkh? I thought for Spinners speeds are not shown, or did I missed anything?
Hahaha @kushari no u can't see that's what I'm saying the speeds must be it's that ridiculous lol.

Slower than cancer those balls.

No fun in that way of play.

Well not for me
Hahaha @kushari no u can't see that's what I'm saying the speeds must be it's that ridiculous lol.

Slower than cancer those balls.

No fun in that way of play.

Well not for me
Online is a mess. I don't get sound any sound coming off the bat while striking the ball in my whole innings but when I'm bowling there's sound coming onto the bat for the online user that I'm playing against. That's 3 patches now and online is still full of bugs. Its becoming more obvious that fixing the online bugs isn't important to them.
Online is a mess. I don't get sound any sound coming off the bat while striking the ball in my whole innings but when I'm bowling there's sound coming onto the bat for the online user that I'm playing against. That's 3 patches now and online is still full of bugs. Its becoming more obvious that fixing the online bugs isn't important to them.
Totally the opposite for me 95% of the time,only problem is d/c sometime's with only mostly player's from afar (sub-continent),but i doubt B/A are to blame for that issue,lol,but they are a few wtf! moment's bug's that need fixing=wide called when straight in line/bowled but not given out/run out's/6 when 4 (lol),but these are'nt online only issue's.
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I only play this game online and only with a buddy who lives on the same continent. Yes, there are issues, sometimes the sound when hitting the ball drops out and yes sometimes, an obvious lbw isnt given, even with appeal. But, we dont bowl slow loopy spin balls at eachother as thats not really in the spirit of the game and who wants to play a 3/4hr game of that. Find a buddy, or a decent person to play against online, mic up and and win win. The game isnt perfect, but then again what game is, the lil quirks are now part of the game. The controls are really well done and my buddy and I love it. We play it the way they really play cricket and if there is some kind of ingame exploit we dont use it. No fun. Both of us a middle aged professionals so that may have a lil to do with it too.
Online has been neglected a fair bit with all the work going into fixing the offline side of things, and I would seriously want BA to have a proper look at Online.

All of the issues/Bugs are well documented , and hence I`m not going to repeat them here .

The 2.5 Patch for the Console`s has somewhat buggered up the timing for the batting , and fixed/made bowling slightly more difficult. More balancing and adjustment

is needed in this department for sure. And the sticky outfield is slightly over done according to my few online games since the patch.

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