Shots Fix!!!


National Board President
Feb 14, 2006
Hey guys i was wondering if anyone can either make bating like cricket 2004 or make it like it is in nets, i dont get why its different or can the nets batting file if there is one be used to make it the same in matches?
i guess we have already dicussed this...the difficulty and stroke difficulty parameter turns to 0 or becomes irrelevant in nets .....thats why we can connect almost all the time......whereas in a match this value corresponds to the value in limited overs file and the unlimited overs brief we are playing with 100% confidence level in nets right from the first ball...whereas in game we need to bulid that up..............
yh but even wen we do build it up the shots arnt perfect they dont sound right and dont go nowhere and wen i put the diff para on 0 its still hard for me to time shots and the shots shud sound right no matter what confidence you have
Hey i agree with u PunkSk8r. there is some file thatt dosent load up correctly when the game starts and that is creating the problem. bocs ometimes even when i have no confidence u can time the backfoot coverdive, bacfoot drive, actually all the shots with good power. Th eproblem i think is somwthing bothering the animation when the file is not loaded correctly thus always results backfoot drive as mistimed.

Some experience programmer can look into this................
yh please look ito it or is there a tecneique of getting it to load up coz somthimes it works so is there like a certain number of time you hav to load the ur game file or summini and btw yesterday i had a proper timed bf cover drive with tthe right sound and it never worked afta that

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