Signature Size Guide - A guide to signature limits. PLEASE READ


Chairman of Selectors
Jun 19, 2004
Online Cricket Games Owned
A lot of people seem to have trouble understanding the signature limits so I've created this thread so people can post tips on getting a good signature within the limits of the site rules.

Forum Rules said:
Images and Text: images may at most be 60K and take up a total screen area of 300x100. An additional single line of text below the image is also allowed.

Tip 1 - Image Size

Maximum size in KB for a signature is 60KB. If you are using photoshop to create your signature and are saving as a jpeg, photoshop will tell you the size it predicts the file to be when you chose the quality level. This is inaccurate. If you use quality setting 12 almost every sig you make will be greater than 60KB. Lower the setting to 9 or 10, you really wont notice the difference in quality on such a small image.


Tip 2 - Animations

If you are going to have an animated signature it can be quite difficult to get the signature down to below 60KB. If you are using imageready, try altering the Optimization settings. Lower settings will decrease quality but enable you to get more frames in.

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Nice tut Kev that will really help people :)

i remember having to make a sig 300x80 to fit text in a while back :D

great stuff Kev
I thought it might be prudent to add to this by demonstrating my sig which has an image and two lines of text:


The image is 300*75 pixels and the two lines of text use font size 1. This is important because if I left the text at standard size my sig would be over the sig limit. How do I know that it's all within the rules now? Simple, I took a screen-grab of my sig and pasted it onto a 300*100 pixel canvas in Photoshop to check. If you check the properties of the screen-grab (above) then you will see that it all fits neatly within a 300*100 frame. :)

So, as you can see, incorrect text size is therefore no excuse for being over the limit. ;)
Thanks for starting this up Kev. :)

Just wanted to add on(incase this hasnt been mentioned already),right click on your signature and click on properties,and check your size of file and image dimensions(width & height) to make sure that they are within the rules.
Text Only Signatures

Forum Rules said:
b) Text Only: may at most take up a total screen area of unlimited size in width, and 100 in height.
But just how big is 100 pixels in text?

Lets use the standard font for this forum as an example.

Verdana 1
Verdana 1
Verdana 1
Verdana 1
Verdana 1
Verdana 1
Verdana 1
Verdana 1

Verdana 2
Verdana 2
Verdana 2
Verdana 2
Verdana 2
Verdana 2

Verdana 3
Verdana 3
Verdana 3
Verdana 3
Verdana 3

Verdana 4
Verdana 4
Verdana 4
Verdana 4

you are too late... i asked that abt some other sigature, not this Battrick one...
It seems a lot of people are breaking the rules when it comes to the 300x100 size nowadays since Nixon is gone....

Iam just warning all users to look out, you will get Sig Avvy bans, I think everybody should read this thread!

(Oh and change the sig limits to 500x200 or 450x150;))
400x150 should be the sig sizes. Thats still a pretty small size and wont delay the time it takes to open the page to much considering not everyone has a graphic sig now.
300x100 pixels is a fine size limit and it doesn't need to change. It keeps the forum looking neat and tidy. Some forums don't allow images in signatures at all, so you are lucky really.
Whys 300x100 cleaner and more tidy then everyone having 400x150?

400x150 could make the signatues wider than the posts, we don't want people to look at your signature instead of your post.

If it ain't broken, don't fix it.

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