Skater's Cricket Revolution review

ok now clearly the reviewer did not have the patience to learn and practice this game . Its actually fun when you get to understand the controls and understand how AI changes field so you can put ball in the gap . In the beginning I scored around 60-70 in 10 overs Medium difficulty . After getting hang around of it (around 6 matches ) I got to 145 in 10 overs and finally beat AI by 38 runs . But I have to give credit to the AI for really trying hard to get to the total . In the final overs even the tail enders were trying to hit every ball for six and lost wickets because of defensive field set by me.

Its definitely a hard core cricket lovers game who are really looking for some competitive cricket and lots of mind use. If you are looking for casual entertainment with easy wins then buy ashes cricket 2009 .

9/10 overall for me .
Too difficult on Easy?!

WIN!!!!! :D:D

Just bought the game on Steam, downloading it now!!
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The game is too difficult on easy. But not in a satisfying way. Not in a realistic cricket way. The fiddly controls, choppy frame rate and delayed reactions make it difficult to get into double figures.
My only problem with this review is that some of these aren't legitimate complaints about the quality of the game.

I agree steam sucks but tons of games use it nowadays and at least it stops piracy, plus from what I understand the game is available for retail purchase. At least it is better than the other product, where you can't even patch the game if you purchased the digital version online - you won't see that on steam.

Most games aren't going to run well on a laptop at all and the majority of comments about the game have said that the game runs fine even on lower end computers. I don't find this to be a legitimate complaint about the game although I do agree that it is poor that the demo is just nets since people can't get a fair chance to evaluate whether their computer will run the game.

Batting is hard, but not really, it's just that the game is different from other cricket games so far in batting so you have to learn to bat all over again. Trust me when I say this, if you play this game for 15-20 hours you will be saying the opposite about the batting, it is actually easy once you get it down and games can definitely be slogfests - but even then it is not too easy as there are no 100% boundary shots against good bowling. For example I played a game yesterday online where I scored 136 in 10 overs against a very smart and good player who was using every tactic possible, and then he came back and almost chased my total down and would have won had I not resorted to negative tactics.

Also this game has the best AI I have ever seen in a cricket game which is amazing considering it is supposed to be focused toward online play. The reason "easy" is hard is that the timing windows in batting are the same on easy as the other difficulties, it is just supposed to be a way to practice to play online. The only difference is the AI is smarter on normal/hard (and they are). For example today I was playing the AI on hard and got off to a fast start with 20 in the first over with lofted shots in the "V" against the powerplay field. All of a sudden the AI drastically changed its bowling tactics bowling just short of a length with multiple fielders in the long on region, cramping me for room when I tried to play to cover and taking wickets with seam movement.

Anyway sorry you don't like the game, I probably would hate it also if the framerate was low on my computer - the game would be very hard indeed in this case.
The game is too difficult on easy. But not in a satisfying way. Not in a realistic cricket way. The fiddly controls, choppy frame rate and delayed reactions make it difficult to get into double figures.

Try updating directx and your video card drivers . That improved my framerate a lot
Graphics - 5/10 - functional, nothing to look at
Compatability - 4/10 - choppy and almost unplayable on mid-range laptop
Gameplay - 4/10 - too difficult even on Easy difficulty
Sound - 7/10 - crowds not too excitable, but bat-ball sounds fantastic
Animations - 7/10 - best in any cricket game, easily
Replayability - 5/10 - difficulty and choppiness will put you off coming back
OVERALL - 5/10 - acceptable first attempt but needs major work.
not sure if you are playing the same game. I just played on easy and scored 43 off 10 overs. It was the my first game. I did the batting in the nets and was able to time the shots... though i did miss quite a few and got out playing some atrocious shots too :)

The batting is very good and bowling is not too bad either. Though i am not a fan of bowling to the AI... feels like a waste of time, so I would have been happy with my favourite feature ... simulate innings...

I have a quip with the graphics... the animation is the best i have seen in the game... its just that the textures and lighting model needed some good work to enhance the presentation.

But the batting is just so awesome and animation was fluid that i am hooked. I also like the fact that there are no needless scene changers and we just get on with the actual game. The closeups and tv style presentation looks good the first time you play, but afterwards its just a chore pressing the buttons and skipping through after each delivery.

Now that Transmission is out, codemasters should get these guys to develop the next game. If they get the money and resources of what was shelled out to Transmission we will finally have the holy grail of cricket gaming....
There's a gap between a slog fest and something that is challenging but easy. Requiring perfect timing and being difficult are not the same thing.

There's a reason these games have difficulty levels, so you can start at easy and get a hang of the controls before moving on to harder levels, if it is expected that everyone is able to pick up the game and go up the learning curve as quickly as a difficult easy mode suggests, then there is no point having anything but hard mode.

It may not be realistic for a number 11 to hit a six first ball, but it is realistic that an opener shouldn't have to struggle to get a single. If you are good enough at the game for that not to be a factor for you, good, I'm glad you can time it so well, but not everyone can, and the difficulty that you like can be frustration for someone else.

Difficulty needs to be realistic, something I keep saying. No bowler is bad enough that they can't even get the ball on the side of the pitch they want, and no team's batsmen are so poor that the whole team gets out for 5.

Yes, practice practice practice, but you need a gradual step into the game. That's the point of easy, I think it is perfectly reasonable to say CR misses on this factor. Though I'll play for much longer before I pass judgement.

To be fair this is a very valid point and a point that was hammered upon during beta-testing (notably by yours truly!) but was not taken up although they have slowed the bowling marker down considerably. It was completely mad at first; whizzing around like a camel on speed!

I pointed out that unless they made the game to be more assessable to start with many people would be turned away from it because the satisfaction/time/effort gradient (Jeez, what am I on about?) was unbalanced.

Ah you know what I mean!:)
To be fair this is a very valid point and a point that was hammered upon during beta-testing (notably by yours truly!) but was not taken up although they have slowed the bowling marker down considerably. It was completely mad at first; whizzing around like a camel on speed!

I pointed out that unless they made the game to be more assessable to start with many people would be turned away from it because the satisfaction/time/effort gradient (Jeez, what am I on about?) was unbalanced.

Ah you know what I mean!:)

Oh man yes if these guys find this marker fast then they had not seen the real beast. :p

Well I did oppose your point in beta forum but now I can see that most gamers just want to score boundaries and sixes.

And it was also said that medium mode is more easy. So you guys would wanna try medium mode first.

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