Some chinese people singing a Hindi Song

This is great! I just watched it all. And these aren't Chinese people. More like Indonesian or Malaysian, since you can see some Muslim people in the audience. But I've never seen anything like this.

And I even know of which movie this song came from.
HAHAH !!!! i literally fell of my chair ! Damn funny ! :rtfl :rtfl :rtfl
Oh God ! hahahaha... i just cant stop laughing.. tears coming of my eyes lol !

mods.. please move this to the humour & Jokes forum. its more
appropriate there.
I guess you've never seen anything like this too. :laugh I never expected to see a such thing like this. But I think they were playbacking. It's really difficult to remember and pronounce sentences of a song of a different language you don't know.
the most funny thing was how the anchor pronounced "ladki badi anjaani hai" :rtfl
I dont get it. Do you have to be Asian to understand? :confused:

It was just a bunch of people singing.
It's funny because people from east Asia are singing an Indian song, with funny pronounciations. It's a bit like a French guy who doesn't know much english singing an English rock song.
sorry for posting in the wrong forum....knew some ppl would like it
JamesyJames3 said:
I dont get it. Do you have to be Asian to understand? :confused:

It was just a bunch of people singing.
Dam ,right. I didn't find it funny at all. In fact they did quite a good job at singing it. I wonder whats the fuss all about.

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