Story SOTM - January 2008

Which story do you think that its best for "SOTM" title in January,2008?

  • South African Clashes by ivanvdm15

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • World XI Tours by holdenator6

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Congrats to Tom. Well done mate :cheers.

btw this month we got 38 voters. The number is increasing guys which means more members are interested in stories :)
Congrads to Tom for winning this month's SOTM:clap The story has been stickied. You will be getting the user tag title and Vcash soon. :)

And also, Thanks a Trillion to all the story writers for their cooperation in this and to all the Voters for their participation. :hpraise Next month's contest to begin soon.
I got two votes. Not suprsignly from Battrick players. I think that is my best effort so far.

EDIT: Congrats Tom. Well done, your story is really good and enjoyable to read.
good luck to every one who may be in the next one. i know they nominees havent been put up yet but hey.
Good work Tom, I didn't vote for anyone as didn't start reading any stories untill late in January, didn't think it would be fair to give someone a point when I hadn't read everyones, can't wait for Febuary
Thread closed. I will chat to surendar about next months nominees

Stay tuned!
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