Spin bowling problem

Work with the different types of deliveries for speed variations. Example for PS3

Top Spinner (Up on the RA) , and the Triangle , pushing RA up very early , results in a Fast Topspinning Yorker aimed for the Toes.

Next Ball , Slow Drifter

RA at 4'o clock / 7'o clock (depending on type of bowler) , and then select ether good or short ball . Get rotations right and Voila !

A beatifull slow drifting ball.....

All in the details :)
I am late to the party :). Playing the game for a week or so and it is great cricket game till date. I have played few online matches and my opponent players are getting more than 1500 - 2000 RPM with spin. I get more than 1000 RPM occasionally not able to do it consistently. Always it is near 300 - 400 RPM and most of the time it is only 180 RPM. Is there any timing assocaited with the start rotating the Left Analog stick. Whenever I try it, the RPM meter moves till the good RPM position and moves back to starting position when I release the ball.
I am late to the party :). Playing the game for a week or so and it is great cricket game till date. I have played few online matches and my opponent players are getting more than 1500 - 2000 RPM with spin. I get more than 1000 RPM occasionally not able to do it consistently. Always it is near 300 - 400 RPM and most of the time it is only 180 RPM. Is there any timing assocaited with the start rotating the Left Analog stick. Whenever I try it, the RPM meter moves till the good RPM position and moves back to starting position when I release the ball.
Are you completing 3 full rotations?
Work with the different types of deliveries for speed variations. Example for PS3

Top Spinner (Up on the RA) , and the Triangle , pushing RA up very early , results in a Fast Topspinning Yorker aimed for the Toes.

Next Ball , Slow Drifter

RA at 4'o clock / 7'o clock (depending on type of bowler) , and then select ether good or short ball . Get rotations right and Voila !

A beatifull slow drifting ball.....

All in the details :)

Can anyone here help me with a tutorial on how to spin the ball and increase consistent drift, flight and other bowling aspects of Spin?
I am able to get 448 RPM everytime but not more than that, also the drift skill or flight skill appears very few times while my bowling stint in 50 overs game as well as test matches....now I understand that as your batting your bowling skills also need to be increased to get recognition in other teams like IPL and National Team, so please let me know how to increase spin bowling skills and get good RPM?? I am PC user and a right arm offspinner in career mode of mine.
Can you elaborate how you're trying to bowl spin?
i press X or triangle to start the bowler. i start rotating the left stick when bowler starts run up. The rpm meter starts moving towards the green wedge and i move the left stick when the release input reaches the wedge. By the time i move the left stick the rpm meter starts moving backwards or goes back to the initial position
i press X or triangle to start the bowler. i start rotating the left stick when bowler starts run up. The rpm meter starts moving towards the green wedge and i move the left stick when the release input reaches the wedge. By the time i move the left stick the rpm meter starts moving backwards or goes back to the initial position
Select type of delivery first then length and start rotating and release, you will get it....
i press X or triangle to start the bowler. i start rotating the left stick when bowler starts run up. The rpm meter starts moving towards the green wedge and i move the left stick when the release input reaches the wedge. By the time i move the left stick the rpm meter starts moving backwards or goes back to the initial position

That means you are timing it wrong. You have to time the delivery so that by the time you bowl the ball by moving up the right stick, the bowling meter needle is in the green zone. If you start rotating the left stick too early, the 3 revolutions would have completed too soon and by the time you bowl the delivery, the bowling meter would have started going back.
i press X or triangle to start the bowler. i start rotating the left stick when bowler starts run up. The rpm meter starts moving towards the green wedge and i move the left stick when the release input reaches the wedge. By the time i move the left stick the rpm meter starts moving backwards or goes back to the initial position
Small Correction

i press X or triangle to start the bowler. i start rotating the left stick when bowler starts run up. The rpm meter starts moving towards the green wedge and i move the Right stick when the release input reaches the wedge. By the time i move the Right stick the rpm meter starts moving backwards or goes back to the initial position.
That means you are timing it wrong. You have to time the delivery so that by the time you bowl the ball by moving up the right stick, the bowling meter needle is in the green zone. If you start rotating the left stick too early, the 3 revolutions would have completed too soon and by the time you bowl the delivery, the bowling meter would have started going back.
Thank you for the idea. It looks like i have to start rotating the left stick little later. So that the rpm needle and the release needle come into the green zone at the same time
That means you are timing it wrong. You have to time the delivery so that by the time you bowl the ball by moving up the right stick, the bowling meter needle is in the green zone. If you start rotating the left stick too early, the 3 revolutions would have completed too soon and by the time you bowl the delivery, the bowling meter would have started going back.
After ten days of struggle, finally i got the trick of getting the RPM more than 1000 consistently ;). The drift and flight it generates is awesome. Thank u for the advice.
i press X or triangle to start the bowler. i start rotating the left stick when bowler starts run up. The rpm meter starts moving towards the green wedge and i move the left stick when the release input reaches the wedge. By the time i move the left stick the rpm meter starts moving backwards or goes back to the initial position
Rotate slower...
Hello everyone,

I am playing on career mode pro difficulty in an Australian team. I play as an off spinner. I constantly see that once in a while when the batsman gets beaten, the ball just don't hit the stumps no matter where I pitch the ball. This mostly happens for a flighted delivery. The bounce is too much even if it is a full length delivery . Is it because of Australian pitches?
Can someone throw some light?
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