Stroke Editor

Yeah great work zim. Tho have found one small problem, when using original gob file the values for the following stokes don't get displayed:

1. Back cover(& 6 hit)
2. Cover drive def
3. Cover drive attack
4. Cover drive(6 Hit)
5. Straight Drive (main)

Would be great if this could be fixed

(don't know whether I'm the only one experiencing this)
yea Zim the offset values mentioned there are wrong, here are the correct values

Back cover(& 6 Hit) - 558991360
Cover drive def - 558985217
Cover drive attack - 558987265
Cover drive 6 Hit - 558989313
Straight drive (main) - 558993409
oops with all my tinkering with these particular strokes they must have got messed up slightly - sorry about that.

Ste/sangam can you amend these values in the uploaded file on the main site please


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