Suggestions thread

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Chairman of Selectors
Jul 1, 2005
Online Cricket Games Owned
There have been loads of suggestion threads so if there is anyone who thinks C2K5 is rubbish :rolleyes: post suggestions.


1. The bowlers always bowl on the stumps.

2. It is too hard to pierce the in field.

3. The back foot leg glance is mine (and probably most ppls) only shot, it goes for 4 always.

4. The front foot leg glance sometimes misses a straight ball landing you an unstoppable LBW.

5. The LBW decisions are quite poor.

6. Theres a huge gap between bat and pad in the straight drive.

7. Backfoot shots shud b able to hit any length...its hard to explain

8. Shots shud vary depending on length like Brian Lara, however, this with the backfoot/frontfoot option would mean loads of shots and that you cant play a front foot leg glance to every ball.

9. Edges, in the game, happen when u play it too late, not when u play the wrong shot, like it should.

10. A defense shot controlled with the analogue stick?

11. The button for the sweep shud b a different shot against a pacer


1. You cant see the bowlers run ups.

2. Pacers are very slow and do not rush any batsman.

3. Spin is good but the bounce is a bit too high.

4. Swing is not right, and outswinger seems to swing in and cut out. when it shud just swing out, ans same with the inswinger.

5. Cutters dont move at all.

6. Its slightly too easy to bowl a line and length.


1. Misfields are quite poor, in that fielders never fumble the ball, and wen the miss it they try to throw it without a ball.

2. With a running diving catch, they stop b4 they dive.

3. Sometimes the ball floats in the air after hitting a fielder.

4. Silly points and short legs are wimps and look away from the only catches that they take in real life.

5. Sometimes fielders are too brilliant and fast.


1. The asian faces are poor as are the west indian faces.


1. The game does not flow and is (A RHYME COMING UP) slow.

2. Theyre shud b no cut scenes for a usually fast paced 10 over match and many for a test match.

3. The umpires most of the time make the wrong signals.

4. The game is too hard.

5. No varing shots for varying batsman.

6. A day five pitch plays the same as a day one pitch.

I rekon this sums it up nicely, sorry for the length but just so many bugs
first of all, these arent suggestions; these are the bugs present in c2k5. if you want, you can post it in the stickied "BUGS" Thread.

sadly, but even though we make a million suggestions, they arent gonna be implemented ! and we dont know if there is gonna be any future releases.

but if you want to post any suggestions, please post it in the existing suggestions thread.

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