3D rendered stumps making Tutorial
Hi Guys,
Here is the tutorial for making 3D rendered stumps. Hope you find it useful.
The stump is divided into 5 main parts as shown below:
A : Bails
B : Lower half of the stumps
C : VOID (not shown in game)
D : Upper half of the stumps
E : Middle portion of the stumps
Here is how to make rendered stumps:
Plain Bat:
Go to Adobe Photoshop and create a new image 64*384
Set background of the image to your favourite color
Go to option Filter --> Render --> Lighting effects
Adjust the Light type as per your wish
Now partition the image in 3 parts to create part B, part E and part D as shown below. Use the size from the template given
Create a new image of 128*64 size and set background color of Bails. This is area A of the final image
Apply lighting effect to it (as explained above) if you like.
Now create the final image of 128*256 and paste area A, B, D and E as shown.
Go to Layers --> Flatten image
Go to Image --> Mode --> Indexed colors and select any one of the color mode from the drop down
Save the file as 8-bit BMP.
Import the file through Graphics Importer
You can add your favourite logo also to part E to create different stumps.
Now what are you waiting for. Start creating stumps on your own and post them in your own thread for download.
The below screenshot should make it more clear.