TAOC - Commentary Names

Im not sure if thats such a good idea!!

If people found out that their name was on a game with out their consent like that they would have a right to complain im sure!

Best stick to those whom are interested and the random names I think.
jdeus said:
If people found out that their name was on a game with out their consent like that they would have a right to complain im sure!
Not really, there would be very few people in the world with a unique last name, so most would assume it's a coincidence. Although I really think there will be point of names overload, including every battrick name would be pointless. I say stick to real players and people who ask for there name to be in (and friends of those people, so you can show them TCP and say look your name is there too)
If you use battrick and want to play with your team in TCP you can surely go without the names being said by the commentators
Oh dont get me wrong Ive put my name on the list but Im just making sure that nothing goes wrong for you guys because sounds like such a good idea I dont want it to be ruined by a mistake.

And what is that battrick??

Ive heard of it but dont know what it is??
jdeus said:
Oh dont get me wrong Ive put my name on the list but Im just making sure that nothing goes wrong for you guys because sounds like such a good idea I dont want it to be ruined by a mistake.

And what is that battrick??

Ive heard of it but dont know what it is??
Battrick is a real time online cricket management game. You create your team, choose which country they play in (which will decide the timing of the matches) and work on things like your stadium, players, training and things like that.
Right ok sounds cool!

But how does it work?

What exactly needs to be done??

Im guessing there will have being a sign-up date?
I have split the names from the commentary lines thread. If you want your name in the game you still have time to post here.

Note, there may be some posts intended for the other thread in this one and vice-versa
nightprowler10 said:
If you guys would like to hear some lines for the commentary in a Pakistani-American accent, drop me a PM. :D
That post would have been even better in the "Commentary Lines" thread that I spent a few minutes making. Try to keep this one as just for people posting their name for inclusion in the game. :clap
First Name: Tobie
Surname: Chapman
whitehornmatt said:
That post would have been even better in the "Commentary Lines" thread that I spent a few minutes making. Try to keep this one as just for people posting their name for inclusion in the game. :clap
Names, lines--what's the difference. :p

Must've clicked on the wrong one, oops.

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