TAOC - Commentary Names

My surname is Drudsthrtsryseryksetysdjfjysdysfgsdtyserjojiy. The trick is the bit at the start is pronounced drood, whereas some people pronounce it dr-ar-dd.

It says I've already posted in this thread. Without looking back at my earlier post and checking what I posted, I'm guessing it was similar to this one. I don't change.

what kind of name is that it doesnt make sense is this some kind of a joke cuz first 11 words there is a name but others its bunch of letters you wrote randomly
please add shankar and velpanur. thank you. great job on the game. cant wait for its completion. :)
Hi, I know I don't have many posts, but if possible could you please add Leung? Pronounced lee-ung, not lee-oong.
Thanks :)
moiz (mo as in moose, iz as in cheese)
and is it possible if u can add two names together like
one name is shahid
the other name is afridi
can i have shahid afridi as my commentary name?
Please add my name if possible as well. :D

Nithin Sundar(pronounced as Ni-thin Soon-dhar)

Thanks! ^_^

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