Tell us your Favorite Website or Forums.

Isn't this thread getting a bit spammy? Anyways I visit lots of websites and forums everyday,so can't mention all of them. B'z of this I also don't take any risk as far as security is concerned,hence have to hide my real IP most of the time.

Planetcricket is a major site that I visit daily so it is also my homepage on Netscape. :)
I usually visit Tomshardware, IGN and few others depending on my searches apart from Planetcricket.
yeah that's right. Not a bad thing though, since is a pretty good site.

Which plan are you using ?
I have a rather intresting way.

My homepage is personalised google.Hence knowledge about mails automatic!
I have a small script which auto starts these tasks:
2.MSN Messenger
3.Yahoo! Messenger
4.Windows Media Player to play linkin park
5.Evil Lyrics (lyrics on fly, i.e. play song and lyrics are auto displayed link

after going to, I make a beeline to
its a good info forum for indians but totally unorganised.
(I think ritwik, u should visit it too)

Then, for whitpapers, and latest developments in the field of computers.

then I go to and read about latest tech which nasa has developed and how could they be applied for betterment of human being.

then i go to
Its the biggest collection of melissa theuriau!!! :p :hpraise
After spending sometime here, then my choices vary.

But unless I am in mood to read about games, I go to wiki and search all bizzare things( like biggest, smallest, wierd etc.Just today I searched for Carmack and Ritwik knows what happened :))
However, If I am in mood of games, I go straight to

And then, after lookin at some pics of melissa, Log off! :D:p

You would want to know about automation, right?
I am writing a tutorial and would put it up at tech forums tommorow.
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Ritwik said:
I canceled my digit subscription, I was so upset with the abysmal quality of the magazine, and you want me to visit their comletely disorganized and threaded forums?

I never told u to suscribe that mag, u are better of trying read chip.

And there forums have quite a lot of value.Nifty tricks and a lot more.

I cancled my suscription to, took chip instead.
you talking about "intelligent computing" chip? That ain't very good imo. In fact there has been no halfway decent computer mag in India since PC World India shut shop in 2002. The new computer act!ve seems to be okay, and it is actually a bonus that they don't carry any stupid discs, but it is tailored towards the lower end of the tech spectrum, since most of the articles are quite simplistic.

Thanks for the NASA link though, might visit it sometime.
Ritwik said:
you talking about "intelligent computing" chip? That ain't very good imo. In fact there has been no halfway decent computer mag in India since PC World India shut shop in 2002. The new computer act!ve seems to be okay, and it is actually a bonus that they don't carry any stupid discs, but it is tailored towards the lower end of the tech spectrum, since most of the articles are quite simplistic.

Thanks for the NASA link though, might visit it sometime.
I think Tomshardware is the best place to keep up with anything on PC stuff. They got a nicely structured website along with newly opened forums where active discussions happen on topics and newsitems.
Anyone looking for gaming sites than is a much better site that Gamespot and thats a fact.:D
siddharth2002 said:
I think Tomshardware is the best place to keep up with anything on PC stuff. They got a nicely structured website along with newly opened forums where active discussions happen on topics and newsitems.
Anyone looking for gaming sites than is a much better site that Gamespot and thats a fact.:D

I think is best for keeping up with hardware.

I will look at tomshardware.

As for, it has way too many ads that block content, gamespot keeps them atleast under managable levels.

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