I have a rather intresting way.
My homepage is personalised google.Hence knowledge about mails automatic!
I have a small script which auto starts these tasks:
2.MSN Messenger
3.Yahoo! Messenger
4.Windows Media Player to play linkin park
5.Evil Lyrics (lyrics on fly, i.e. play song and lyrics are auto displayed
after going to
www.Planetcricket.com, I make a beeline to
its a good info forum for indians but totally unorganised.
(I think ritwik, u should visit it too)
www.zdnet.com, for whitpapers, and latest developments in the field of computers.
then I go to
http://technology.nasa.gov/ and read about latest tech which nasa has developed and how could they be applied for betterment of human being.
then i go to
Its the biggest collection of melissa theuriau!!!
After spending sometime here, then my choices vary.
But unless I am in mood to read about games, I go to wiki and search all bizzare things( like biggest, smallest, wierd etc.Just today I searched for Carmack and Ritwik knows what happened
However, If I am in mood of games, I go straight to
And then, after lookin at some pics of melissa, Log off!
You would want to know about automation, right?
I am writing a tutorial and would put it up at tech forums tommorow.