Your Cricket The Art of Offspin.

I dont have much variation with off spin or generate much spin the odd ball rips but mostly its just a bit of turn. However being tall 6'3'' i get a lotof bounce with a harder ball and being an out swing bowler previously i firethe odd one in to act as my doosra.
At my tuesday nets got a few to turn massively, like when you see on tv when it hits a real dry cracked area, never got a ball to do something like that before, to say i got a bit over excited after is an understatement.
Fark, I can't spin the ball anymore.

So disappointed at today's practice. Was ripping it as much as I could, was getting decent pace and bounce behind it, got batsmen miscuing a lot and bowled a lot, but not a ball turned.

Accuracy all over the place as I tried harder to rip the ball than just line and length with sharp pace and such. Sigh.
When was the last time you bowled before yesterday?

If you could spin before then im sure with a couple more nets you will be ok.

Its taken me a few to get going, now im bowling pretty good and im only really a beginner.
Last time was before winter break.

Didn't get it to turn that much then or the times before that either now that I think of it. :(

Must be the pitch!
Lol, I was. With the tape ball. :p

Srsly tho, I try to give it as much rip as I can when bowling. Maybe I'm releasing it all wrong and bowling topspinners instead of offbreaks? Because I did get a few to turn at the end of last sem when the coach guy was around and trying to fix my action. Turned them a fair bit too.
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I can see what you mean Zorax. Went to the park the other week, and tried Swann's grip on a proper hard cricket world. Didn't turn. Tried it with the tape ball, and it was if I was like Murali :D
A doosra is very difficult. You tube a few vids on it. Basically it's an offbreak delivered from the back of the hand (like how a googly is a legbreak from the back of the hand).

Teesra doesn't exist. There are only 3 ways to spin the ball - In(offbreak), Out(doosra) and straight on (topspinner/armball). I guess you could have a backspinner and call it a teesra, but a backspinner is near impossible to bowl.
Offspin? I tried it once and even with the tape ball couldn't get it to do anything. Our coach looked at me as though I've committed a crime, never really tried after that. Medium pacers FTW!
Had nets again last night, one thing i cant seem to change is the first 4-5 balls i bowl are just garbage it takes me to long to get going.
Once i got going i was bowling a good line with some decent turn, after speaking to a couple of the lads they reckon i'll definately get some turn out on a real wicket.
So now i seem to be spinning the ball regulary now, gonna really try and get my action much more consistent.
You guys with your net practices, cricket clubs, matches on pitches, expert jealous!

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