The best wrestler

Its funny how some people just like the crowd favourites..were i like triple h..angle...Christian..Carlito..Randy orton etc
mick foley was the best for a long time, after his era the rock was the best, now hard to pick between cena, batista and benoit
batsman said:
Ah the 90's :crying great for wrestling what do you lot think was the greatest wrestler :) I think Hulk Hogan

Greatest wrestler ever -- Aleksandr Karelin. But that's real wrestling...
How can people like that steriod taking rubbish wrestler named batista =\
best wrestler-BRET THE HITMAN HEART..phew..u cant forget the way he used to lock the opponent's legs by hanging down the ringpost..that was the most innovative and sexiest move ever (cant remember the name of the move though??)
fav contemporary wrestlers are angle (excellent moves),,,jericho (pure charm),,,and the undertaker (ring presence)..
BTW hogan sucks..
Triple H, JBL, HBK, Kurt Angle, Undertaker they are all hall-of-famers in my words!, to have a career of up to 15 years and still continue to dominate the WWE shows you how good they are, weve got Triple H who has won the World Heavyweight Championship 11 times, JBL, HBK is absolutely magnifico, Kurt Angle is the only gold medalist and the Undertaker hold a 13-0 record at summerslam. you cannot compare Batista to that!, you cannot compare John Cena to that. Ive got a gut feeling John cena is here to stay but Batista, no he's going down and going down hard!

and oh yeah JBL has the longest reign as WWE champ for the last decade

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