Panel of Selectors
Forgive my inactivity in this thread for the last couple of days, but I would like to explain my opinions about some things that is going on CCPC.
First of all, World Champion's resignation I know this case has been solved. But my take on this incident would be the same as Treva's. WC is but a human, and he should be free to choose his future and whether or not he would like to add himself as a part of CCPC for the future. Yes, I am aware of the fact that World Champion had been a very important part of CCPC and its developmment, but you really can't force anyone to be a part of something if they don't want to. Let's take a coach for example, he might really motivate the team, and contribute heavily towards their improvement. However, even if you like them to stay forever with the team, you really cannot force the mto stay (yes they have to follow contracts, but I am sure WC had none of that sort). Although you can be sure that I am quite contented that WC has agreed to stay.
Second of all, the voting on what should be PC XI and PC XI A's next series. In my opinion, they should either continue their own series, or only one of the teams should participate in the 20-20 WC. Reasons being that you'll never see two teams represting the same nation or community in a tournament, as it'll be highly unfair and that "nation" will have an unfair advantage over others (about twice the advantage of other teams really, if their abilities are not taken in accounts). And as for one team facing each other, again, how many times do you see the main Australian team face Australia A team? That does occur however, in charity matches. A whole series dedicated for our two teams to face might not be as realistic-therefore I draw the conclusion that we continue our own series. But remember, this is just my own opinion, I am not attempting to patronize anyone.
We understand. Everyone is allowed an opinion. I voted 20/20 world cup but would it be a seperate world cup each or both in the same one?