The Dozy Doosras ? stats are up. Claim prizemoney too!

Which team are we going to destroy and humiliate the most?

  • Total voters
You wouldn't believe how long it takes me to go through every c07 thread each day, dishing out warnings and infractions and approving posts. This is our only time we can let some of that frustration out and have some fun :p

Ah you've now been handed that job. Has he broken my record for quickest number of bannings yet, Colin?
Tom, you still have three lions on your shirt or you've finally changed your shirt?
If that is about my story, I am currently working 40 hour weeks so there is more of a chance of Zorax getting laid (very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very slim) then me returning with that ;)
Nothing to do with the story, come on, we all know you haven't changed your shirt for a while now....

Hang on, Tom and Zorax in the same team? :eek:
Indeed, LES Penguins are a ████ team. :yes
Woah woah woah. I'm away most of the day after slaving away over nothing much at all, and you guys (Read: Colin) has gone and boycotted my wonderful kit!

I'm sad.
If that poll wasn't rigged, I would have voted for 'Can I Join?'
Only the numbers are rigged. Hence it's a public poll so we can see the actual result.


That's a polite ass way of saying, "Simon, you're fired as kit designer!" :p

I dread to think what you're going to do when I'm on holiday...

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