the worst and best commentators???

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without doubt the worst commentators r the new zealand commentary team....they dont know jack ****. about cricket....the worst of them all is ian smith...that lil midet with the face of a grinch...i hate that sum worse is gavin larsen....oh brother....this guy should be killed....jeremy coney talks about how sheep ****. eachother not cricket...crowe and richardson is aite....bill lawry is useless and mark nicholas is a fat old tubby who thinks he knows cricket that loves to lick on australians balls...he really is a cock. sucker....and the one of the worst of dem all.....well u cant go past richie benaud....this old washed up never was is the most biased ******. with ian commentating history....i hope that guy dies soon so i wont even have to hear him.....michael atherton is a useless fool....he once said that kevin pietersen can bowl and apparently got him out....welll who da ****. hasnt got that guy out....atherton bowled 1st ball for a duck...thats wat he is good wonder england never won the ashes when he was captain....such a negative and boring person....i dont think kass naidoo knows wat cricket is...all she says is "and the batter hits the ball and the ball roll on the turf and ball still rollin and it hits the boundary rope and i its 4 runs" (dats realli rather watch paint dry 10 times over that listen to her)...and ranjith fernando is useless he struggles to speak clear english and use the correct words let alone commentating on the match....

now for the best.....ian chappell is very articulate(if dats how u spell da damn word) ....u can really understand him and he doesnt just describe the game and read out the scores...but he can really analyse the can mark taylor and ian healy.....tony greig is very entertaining....great voice....michael holding is aite....sunil gavaskar is good...he can also analyse...ravi shashri is good to hear....david lloyd is pretty cool...ian botham i like cause he really tells whats in his mind ...he dont give a ****...if millions of ppl r against him...just lets it rip...hes got a great character.......david gower is good....hussain is lil bias...but not that much....

wadda u ppl gota say bout dat huh??????
I say you need to get off this site, now. I hope your going to be banned.
I think you should kiss your own arse. Hopeless and inhumane thread.
The commentators try their hardest, and to have a thread like this directed at them is just proposterous.
Absolute disgrace.

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