To sangamm - Website and forum issues...


International Cricketer
Dec 17, 2001
New Delhi
Online Cricket Games Owned
Hi Sangamm,
I am writing this to point out some problems on the website and on the forums as well.
First of all,you should be regular with uploading updates.I am refering to my update which i mailed you day before yesterday and its not been uploaded on the site at the time of writing.
On the site,there are many missing link and "coming soon" items.The missing links are the "upload clicking here" etc areas in the d'loads sections on the site.There is NO link on the upload and it not possible to upload there.Please fix this Sangamm.

On the forums,i think there should be additional moderators for this forum as it is easily the most active board here and moderation is not regular.You and Llamma have not been very regular on this forum of late and the other admins and moderators{ste,atul etc} have been not active since some time.It will be good if there is proper moderation on the forum,as some topics need to be moved and it will be a good safeguard against future spammers.

Hope you will take note of these problems and work towards fixing them. :)


Edited By ritwikgames on June 11 2002 at 13:40
Hi Sangamm,
I am writing this to point out some problems on the website and on the forums as well.
First of all,you should be regular with uploading updates.I am refering to my update which i mailed you day before yesterday and its not been uploaded on the site at the time of writing.
On the site,there are many missing link and "coming soon" items.The missing links are the "upload clicking here" etc areas in the d'loads sections on the site.There is NO link on the upload and it not possible to upload there.Please fix this Sangamm.

On the forums,i think there should be additional moderators for this forum as it is easily the most active board here and moderation is not regular.You and Llamma have not been very regular on this forum of late and the other admins and moderators{ste,atul etc} have been not active since some time.It will be good if there is proper moderation on the forum,as some topics need to be moved and it will be a good safeguard against future spammers.

Hope you will take note of these problems and work towards fixing them.  :)  


Thanks for your comments
I was very busy till the future you wont be having these kinda far as for the links '(coming soon..)i and ste are thinking to switch over to a www watch out for it..
regarding your update i was unable to open it because the file size was too big....
i am sending u the details of a server where u can upload ur files
Hi Sangamm,
thanks very much for your prompt reply.I have recieved the details you have sent me and i am trying to upload my file.
I will PM you once i get it on the server.
I will look forward to any changes on the site by Ste and yourself.


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