TPCL | Signups Thread: Signups CLOSED!

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First name: Amir
Last name: Gokul
Nationality: :ind: Indian
Batting style: LHB (0)
Bat position: Middle Order
Batting ability: ★★★★★(5)
Bowling hand: Right
Bowling style: DNB
Bowling ability: DNB
Fielding position: Outfielder(0)
Player likeness: Suresh Raina
First name: Amir
Last name: Gokul
Nationality: :ind: Indian
Batting style: LHB (0)
Bat position: Middle Order
Batting ability: ★★★★★(5)
Bowling hand: Right
Bowling style: DNB
Bowling ability: DNB
Fielding position: Outfielder(0)
Player likeness: Suresh Raina
Post anyone .delete the other
with each round lasting 12 hours, from 10 a.m. IST to 10 p.m. IST on 16/07/2020

each round last 12 hours as in? the whole auction is one round?

@Yash. @RUDI
Last edited:
First name: Andrin
Last name: Issac
Nationality: :ind:
Batting style: LHB (0)
Bat position: Opener (2)
Batting ability: ★ ★ ★ ★ (4)
Bowling hand: N/A
Bowling style: -
Bowling ability:
Fielding position: Outfielder (0)
Player likeness: Brendon McCullum
Welcome Andrin bro! :D
First name: Gayle
Last name:
Batting style: LHB
Bat position: Middle order (3-5) - 1 points
Batting ability: ★★★★★ (5)
Player likeness: Chris Gayle

Gayle Storm
Welcome back bro!! After a long time...
First name: Andrin
Last name: Issac
Nationality: :ind:
Batting style: LHB (0)
Bat position: Opener (2)
Batting ability: ★ ★ ★ ★ (4)
Bowling hand: N/A
Bowling style: -
Bowling ability:
Fielding position: Outfielder (0)
Player likeness: Brendon McCullum
McCullum doesn't bat left handed sorry.
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