I have a slightly different strategy. When you start off, you don't get much money to buy decent trainees, specially if you start off at the beginning of the season, those comp/med batters and bowlers are really expensive. So instead, my strategy works like follows:
Season 1:
1. Buy 5 batters and 4 bowlers (all 17 y.o.) with mediocre+ stamina, high mediocre or competent (if you can find one for under 20-25K) primary, and competent+ secondary.
2. Put them all on a single primary net and give 1 stamina net revolving (start with your fastest bowlers, then best batters, etc)
3. End of season, you will have 5 respectable/respectable batters and 4 respectable/respectable bowlers
Season 2
1. Buy/pull 1 batter (med. stam, high competent-respectable batting, med-respectable conc) and 1 bowler (med. stam, high competent-resp bowl, med-resp cons). This is tricky because you probably won't have enough money to get both as early season prices are really high. But wait a couple of weeks, and prices go down.
2. Put 2 primaries on the batter and 2 primaries on the bowler. Keep training 3 of your best batters from season 1 and 2 of your best bowlers.
3. End of the season you will have:
1 strong (and if lucky, superb)/comp-resp batter
3 high prof/prof batters
2 resp/resp batters
1 strong/comp-resp bowler
2 high prof/prof bowler
2 resp/resp bowlers
Season 3
1. Train your 18 y.o. batter & bowler on two primaries, plus buy 2 good 17 y.o at the start of the season, a bat and a bowl (you'll have enough money by now)
2. Same thing, 2 primaries on both batter and bowler.
3. Take out the 5th batting net and change to either fielding/wk/stamina depending upon your trainees and needs.
Batters: 1 remarkable/prof, 1 superb/prof, 3 prof/prof, 2 resp/resp
Bowlers: 1 remarkable/prof, 1 superb/prof, 2 prof/prof, 2 resp/resp
Season 4:
1. Use the money to fill in the gaps in your batting/bowling/wicketkeeping.
2. Train the now 19 yo trainees on 1 primary and 1 fielding net (to get his secondaries up)
3. Continue training the 2 18 y.o. trainees on 2 primaries.
4. Keep building up stamina of your players using 1 (or 2, depending on your needs) stamina net(s).
Batters: 1 wond/superb-quality, 1 remarkable-wonderful/strong, 3 prof/prof, 2 resp/resp and hopefully, with the money your saved & strong/strong
Bowlers: 1 wond/sup-quality, 1 remarkable-wond/strong, 2 prof/prof and 2 resp/resp and hopefully, a strong-superb bowler.
And now... you're team is ready for the higher leagues