Training Thread

why though? I have always wondered why people said don't train him?
He will train slower than the 17yo and you lose 1 season worth of training on the 18yo. If you stop both at 23 the 17yo gets 6 seasons worth of training while the 18yo gets 5.
so basically, baker cocked up in not telling me to train him last year?
Pretty much :p That's the only thing you can do with 17 yo apart from sell them or have them for bot bashing.
My new best batter.

Leighton Crouch - 21 yo, BT Rating=49,834 shortcut
RH Batsman, RH Spin Bowler. He is a destructive player with abysmal leadership skills and competent experience.
He currently has strong batting form, strong bowling form and invigorated fitness.
Stamina: competent Wicket Keeping: worthless
Batting: sensational Concentration: remarkable
Bowling: woeful Consistency: woeful
Fielding: feeble
so basically, baker cocked up in not telling me to train him last year?

Yes :p

To be fair though, he could have set nets for like 7 players but then you'd progress painfully slowly but as a whole. I for one like things to happen a touch quicker. Boils down to this though: You can't train everyone!

My new best batter.

Surmon has him for breakfast :p


Surmon up to quality fielding and Houghton upto respectable consistency.

Hope Surmon gets a big pop this season, it's his last season of training.
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7.Arnold Mohan - 19 yo, BT Rating=30,171
RH Batsman, LM Bowler. He is an attacking player with superb leadership skills and woeful experience.
He currently has feeble batting form, proficient bowling form and sublime fitness.

Stamina: strong Wicket Keeping: superb
Batting: superb Concentration: superb
Bowling: worthless Consistency: feeble
Fielding: worthless

I like this kid :)

9.Max Brush - 20 yo, BT Rating=31,161
RH Batsman, RFM Bowler. He is a destructive player with woeful leadership skills and woeful experience.
He currently has superb batting form, proficient bowling form and invigorated fitness.

Stamina: superb Wicket Keeping: worthless
Batting: feeble Concentration: worthless
Bowling: remarkable Consistency: strong
Fielding: woeful
Mo-mo Liddlelow - 17 yo, BT Rating=6,683
RH Batsman, RH Spin Bowler. He is a steady player with competent leadership skills and worthless experience.
He currently has proficient batting form, competent bowling form and lively fitness.
Stamina: respectable Wicket Keeping: worthless
Batting: mediocre Concentration: woeful
Bowling: competent Consistency: woeful
Fielding: worthless

Santosh Parol - 17 yo, BT Rating=2,816
LH Batsman, LH Spin Bowler. He is a steady player with superb leadership skills and worthless experience.
He currently has abysmal batting form, mediocre bowling form and lively fitness.
Stamina: worthless Wicket Keeping: worthless
Batting: competent Concentration: woeful
Bowling: mediocre Consistency: woeful
Fielding: worthless

Yea, no pops. Yet...
Maurice Dyer - 24 yo, BT Rating=9,764 shortcut
RH Batsman, RFM Bowler. He is an attacking player with proficient leadership skills and strong experience.
He currently has superb batting form, strong bowling form and lively fitness.
Stamina: mediocre Wicket Keeping: worthless
Batting: proficient Concentration: mediocre
Bowling: respectable Consistency: feeble
Fielding: woeful

Stoked with that secondary pop.

Kevin Coppinger - 17 yo, BT Rating=6,634 shortcut
LH Batsman, LM Bowler. He is a destructive player with proficient leadership skills and abysmal experience.
He currently has strong batting form, competent bowling form and energetic fitness.
Stamina: competent Wicket Keeping: respectable
Batting: mediocre Concentration: mediocre
Bowling: woeful Consistency: abysmal
Fielding: worthless

And glad that pop didn't take long! Resp keeping at 17.
The pops I had while I was away.

Mike Vidale - 17 yo, BT Rating=4,520
RH Batsman, RM Bowler. He is a steady player with competent leadership skills and worthless experience.
He currently has competent batting form, feeble bowling form and energetic fitness.
Stamina: competent Wicket Keeping: worthless
Batting: respectable Concentration: mediocre
Bowling: worthless Consistency: worthless
Fielding: abysmal

Lol, stamina and fielding. :doh

A concentration pop would have been nice!

Anyway, if I have someone else worth nets, I will change his fielding (as it trains better when he gets older) and his stamina (as it trains the same at any age).


Would I be better off giving him stamina and fielding...or this beast 2 bowling

Alex Wotton - 17 yo, BT Rating=3,793
RH Batsman, LM Bowler. He is an attacking player with proficient leadership skills and abysmal experience.
He currently has strong batting form, proficient bowling form and sublime fitness.
Stamina: mediocre Wicket Keeping: worthless
Batting: worthless Concentration: worthless
Bowling: competent Consistency: mediocre
Fielding: worthless

I'm going to go 2 bowling on Wotton, actually. It's a while into the season, but if I can train him up just for a few pops or a season or two, he will be a solid player, but not a star. I'd be stopping at strong/superb if I went on, or maybe around quality.

EDIT: No. One bowling and one rotating stam/field net for the team.
Greg Moodley - 18 yo, BT Rating=13,304 shortcut
RH Batsman, RF Bowler. He is a destructive player with abysmal leadership skills and woeful experience.
He currently has proficient batting form, superb bowling form and sublime fitness.
Stamina: competent Wicket Keeping: abysmal
Batting: superb Concentration: respectable
Bowling: worthless Consistency: worthless
Fielding: worthless

My star pull coming along nicely. Conc is behind but that will be fixed up soon enough.

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