Uncle Sam's T20


School Cricketer
Nov 14, 2008
Online Cricket Games Owned
Now the Yanks want a piece of the T20 pie....playing a tournament in a converted baseball stadium in NY in the Autumn..sounds good to me. Big South Asian community in North America, the APL should be popular...your thoughts?
Would be good if the players from the ICL would join this comp to help out some of the keen Americans that want to play cricket. Hope it works as cracking the American market would be an achievement.
send some good looking players PLEASE! i dont want them to think that crickets played by ...
...the likes of Inzy :p.

Some of the ICL players are a bit unfit, tbh. Don't want cricket looking like a game of fatso's...
TBH, you're either underrating Inzi and his abilities of entertaining the masses. People go to see good cricket not how the player looks. Even though i got your point of stereotypes, what’s wrong with obese people playing cricket/sport?
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Inzy's a great cricketer capable of entertaining,yeah. But the ICL has so many oldies, who have packed alot of pounds after retirement. We don't want to portray the game to the American crowd as a game which old, overweight people play. We still want it to look like the tough, physically demanding game it is.

So I just hope we get some younger guys in there to make it look its best is all.
Good If it Happened


Now 20:20 comes it's american style game now. I Think now america want to promote cricket in USA.


Huge Subcontinent Crowd+USA Crowd.

Legal Bat in USA

Start own APL (American Premium League) I thing it's great game to out of recession.

Cheeeeeeeeeeeeer American Girls Cricket coming on your home.

Now 20:20 comes it's american style game now. I Think now america want to promote cricket in USA.

Huge Subcontinent Crowd+USA Crowd.

Legal Bat in USA

Start own APL (American Premium League) I thing it's great game to out of recession.

Cheeeeeeeeeeeeer American Girls Cricket coming on your home.

LOL that was EPIC.
TBH, you're either underrating Inzi and his abilities of entertaining the masses. People go to see good cricket not how the player looks. Even though i got your point of stereotypes, what?s wrong with obese people playing cricket/sport?

yeah ppl that knows Inzi, but the US folks who never seen him or heard of him before would go like "whats this chacha doing on the field"
Teams are featuring will be...Premium India, Premium Pakistan, Premium West Indies, Premium World, Premium America ...and Bangladesh will feature as " PREMIUM BANGLADESH"...
source: a Bangla news paper

another report: The Hindu News Update Service
so who will the players be. some retired dudes from each country or players in domestic cricket.

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