User Pictures Thread

Hooper your going to become a full time drunk. All your pictures are just you all over the place.
Lol! All you Poms think we are alcoholics...Im not going to be a full time drunk. I only drink on weekends.
Uhh yeah, doesn't really fit into my room does it? Oh well, everyone loves sitting on it when they come in.
Haha, yeah. Pretty good aye. Don't get that to much over in Pommy Land.

Reps for anyone who can guess the bottle of Alchohol I have sitting in my room somewhere:p
Nope - You can actually see the bottle if you look properly...

Nope - You can actually see the bottle if you look properly...
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Is it Bundaberg? i don't really know that drink much but it sounds familiar and the writing looks a bit like that word. Could have been advertised that is why it sounds familiar.
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