Breaking news Round 2 -Breaking News:
Usy hates girls
Usy can't spell
Usy likes being gansta on internet forums.
Alright, the last one isn't news, the 2nd one probably isn't either.
I would have taken the picture from a different angle so that the almost completed Burj Dubai would be in the pictureThats me In Dubai, United Arab Emirates(UAE).
Meh. Just bored.
I'm G-Star All Over!
I would have taken the picture from a different angle so that the almost completed Burj Dubai would be in the picture
Breaking News:
Usy hates girls
Usy can't spell
Usy likes being gansta on internet forums.
Alright, the last one isn't news, the 2nd one probably isn't either.
Usy's life story right there.
Nah...thats the same area...just a different angle...That was somewhere else
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's a blonde version of Chez
The blonde version of the spin.