User Pictures Thread

This ones from the summer :p

Lol, Ollie, you need to dye your hair, that scared me.
Nightprowler I love you. I hope when i'm an older man I can be like you and have a goatee like that.

Anyway it's been a while since i've uploaded anything for you sexy bitches so here's me;

I knew the sex change would go well, congrats Matthena (what was your female name again)?

aus5892 added 6 Minutes and 45 Seconds later...


Thought I may aswell update this then!
Whoah, lookalike time!

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Your latest photo? Taken in December 2007...
I knew Australia was behind the rest of the world but thought that was just culturally not temporally.
I knew the sex change would go well, congrats Matthena (what was your female name again)?

aus5892 added 6 Minutes and 45 Seconds later...

Whoah, lookalike time!


And as for my latest photo, say hello to my brand spanking new learner's permit (wait for me to upload it though)!

You may want to get rid of your address, mate. ;) But left or right is in in that pic? You look heaps different in the other photo.
Next up, Culli dancing in his pants, Frank Skinner stylee

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