Victorian Bushrangers Kit



I dont have the money to buy a program like photoshop pro or whatever it is as i am 14 and cannot afford it, does anyone know anything different or a program that does the same sort of a thing thats downloadable and someone to tell me what to do with it etc. etc.

The thing i would like to do or get someone else get to do for me is to Make the Victorian Bushrangers One Day Kit a much darker blue than it is now


  • vic_blue.jpg
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Thank you ve4ry much barmy army, is there any kind of tutorial on how to make kits etc. etc. ??
thanks squizz, but would you or someone be able to change it to a word or notepad doc instead of me having to d/l Adobe etc.
okay i got the reader, and i now can view the tutorial, but i dont have enough d/l space this month to d/l 150mg for a 30day demo

so would someone be able to make it for me ?
how bout posting a request in f0bstyle's downloads thread? its in the Member Downloads section of the forum. Also post in Bharat's thread. They seem to make a lotta kits. also, get a clearer pic of the kit.

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