Video Game Mafia - Game Over: Maney and Spoobir Victorious

Suspicious of him. Him and Ollie.

So you're suspicious of me because I managed to pick up on some of your inconsistencies in explaining your role and thought that even though you might be able to help us now, you can also cause a great deal of the harm in the long run?

In your own words, your logic is flawed.
why did you lie when character claiming for the first time?

Yeah I don't understand that one at all. I'd be alot more inclined to have given you some benefit of the doubt but having to revise your claim like that just seemed really dodgy. That and attempting to kill Smurf for what at that point would have been nothing more than a slight gut feeling he was a bit dodgy, even if he is I don't paticularly think its the best way to go about things even if it was the first time you could kill someone.
Well if you are only now telling the truth you only have yourself to blame really, why did you lie when character claiming for the first time?

Because of what Ollie said about my possessing Vader and Vader's power. I assumed claiming my real role would finish me off.


My intuition is usually pretty good. Keep an eye on Smurf.
But if you'd claimed Alex Mercer, shape shifter who can absorb people's roles when they die, it would have all made sense and fit the character and anti-hero role. It's also a lot easier to defend yourself when you're just honest.

As you can see I was pretty much with you right up until you completely changed your story (again).
At the end of the day, if you were really pro-town you wouldn't have anything to hide and wouldn't need to lie.
It seems Vader was the godfather as well since he got a killing ability from him...
Which the town has now lost :p
Mafia immune and killing power...


I agree that I could have claimed Mercer when you asked for the claim but I thought Dante was safer. Unfortunately I'd already made statements prior to that pointed to Mercer.
Anyway good luck; you'll need it :D
Considering you decided to use it for no reason other than a gut feeling I don't really see that as a bad thing.

I expect until you were outed by Zohaib you'd have used it as often as you could risk it and on anyone you felt like.
I could only have been outed as anti-hero on night 0. After that I would have assumed the alignment of the person I absorbed.
I was unlucky but I also played badly.
Ok, well firstly to Chewie. As I said, I was away for pretty much a whole day since this day started which had a lot of discussion already made. After I read through it all, I was completely lost so I've sort of tried to stay a bit quieter for the rest of this day cause I'm very confused. I also didn't want to get in the middle of this but I think if barmy had claimed the truth first, then we shouldn't have lynched him but you never know what he will do and he could have well thought Smurf was townie and was just trying to kill everyone.

But yeah, sorry for my inactivity during this day. It will be a lot better tomorrow.
Vote Count

barmyarmy - 8 - Themer, Varun, Smurf, User, Aditya, Dr Pepper, Spoobir, Maney
PSq - 3 - Smurf, Aditya, Ollie
Aditya - 2 - Zohaib, PSq
Ollie - 1 - barmyarmy
Hedger - 1 - Chewie

It takes 8 votes to end someones game.


Side Mission 1 Complete

Pre Side Mission 1 - Kratos Shift

Alright! Come here you!
Alright I'll just take you then.
*relief sigh


Side Mission 1 - Congested

Is he alright?
I don't think so....
Go for it!

Barmyarmy is dead.

He was:

Alex Mercer - Evil Help - Host

This is Mission 2 - PM me your role, whether being used or skipped.
He did say what the consequences would be...

There are bound to be some mafia that voted for him seeing as they couldn't kill him any other way.

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