International Cricketer
I'd not role block you, just so I'm cleared in your eyes too.
So, you believe I'm the killer. But instead of blocking me, you would allow someone to die, just to clear yourself from said killer.
Wow, contradictory much

But, see the writeup. It says, 'You do nothing.' That, I assume is Aditya telling you. Then, 'He did nothing'. 'No, You take this.' I think this is Zohaib telling me and then me replying. So, that indicates, you targeted Zohaib?
All I can see from the write-up is someone stopped someone else. And there's only one account of it, not two. So either it refers to me being role-blocked, or the more likely write-up, you stopping the killer.
Who needs a double voter if you boys are gonna sort it out when at the versity of uni.
So you would rather work on your degree, and subsequently get yourself a good job, rather than cum-hunt on a meaningless online game?
Get your priorities straight or get replaced/lynched off
