Wavit remote


ICC Chairman
Mar 26, 2007
Online Cricket Games Owned
What do you guys think of this:


This is the email I got from them, it sounds as though this could replace the mouse:

Screen size support:

It will work on any screen size and any type of screen. There is a USB POD that needs to be positioned near the screen. The handset tracks this POD. If you are familiar with the Wii, then this is very similar. Currently the minimum operating distance for pointing is ~3ft (1 m) away from the screen and the maximum is ~25ft. The minimum distance can be reduced a bit by removing the plastic ROD in the POD.

Commercial games support:

The Wavit is essentially a mouse controller. It can be used in any games that require a mouse (for DirectX games there is a setting called GameMode that you may need to activate). Since most games don?t natively support our new device?s other degrees of freedom such as the distance from the screen or the twist angle of the remote, these will generally not be used, although they could be in the future. We have played a bit around with using it for World of Warcraft and Battlefield 2, but have not had a chance to focus too much on that, although there is a lot one can do.

The other nice feature is that there are 8 other buttons on the remote that can be user programmed to have special function for different games. So if you are playing a game that requires, say ?W?, ?S?, ?A?, ?D?, ?spacebar?, ?CTRL? and so on, you can program your handset to those. You can even program in your own mode (and share it with us J) that automatically works for any particular game. We have just not had the chance yet to go through lots of games.

I should note that since the mouse and keyboard are very good for the so-called 3ft interface, our device is initially targeted at the 10ft interface where you are farther from the screen and want to lean back and still control everything.

I hope this helps.


I really like the sound of this, as using a mouse for long periods is getting uncomfortable for my wrist, it sounds a great way to play mouse based games like MTW2 or other total war games and you can use it a long way from the screen as well. I'd also like a remote for my PC when playing DVDs and this sounds as though it'll kill two birds with one stone!

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