Your Cricket What club in Sydney do you play for?

I know of van dam actually. He was in my soccer team last yr. Not sure who Batger is- wait is Batger freakishly tall and got curly hair. He would be in yr 12 now...
not that tall but yea curly hair and in yr 12
do you like van dam??
i played cricket with him in West Indies
and when we played trinity seconds he played
He's alrite. I didn't know him much- just a random year 11. Batger played rugby with me in yr 11 (he was yr 10). I think thats the bloke ur talkin about.
Neither do 98% of the forum members here that also play Cricket:(
And so there's an english thread for their clubs. So perhaps other members should make threads for their countries. This thread is to help aussies who play find other aussies who play. If I knew how to edit the title, I would make it say "which club in Australia do you play for".
I was wondering if there's any space in any of the clubs cause right now im a free lancer when it comes to club cricket. I play once a fortnight with a different club so my skills aren't too rusty...
I was wondering if there's any space in any of the clubs cause right now im a free lancer when it comes to club cricket. I play once a fortnight with a different club so my skills aren't too rusty...

right now you are catching the teams mid season, and it will be nigh on impossible to get into any A or B grade teams because once you reach the adult age group you have to be graded to be placed in a team. But the gradings etc for the next season usually start around july-august. If you can find any club that isn't fielding A grade teams, they should be fielding just casual teams...that is the best you can hope for!

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