What Was The Last Thing/s You Bought? Thread

2 :eek:


The last thing I actually bought was a rip-off cheese and onion pastie from my school yesterday. Priced at......

95p, which is expensive IMO as Greggs to better pasties by a mile priced at 67p I think...
Yeah, 1 dollar a movie and you get to keep them for a week.
Mah, can't beat the deal that I have. $15 a month and I can rent as many movies as possible as long as I only rent three at a time. I can keep them as long as I want.
Gunn & Moore Catalyst Hit 4 Six Cricket set for £16.77
Last thing i bought was a ticket to the Foo Fighters concert in Perth WA, Burswood Dome, On the monday night. 110 bucks well spent:)
Thats not cheap is it.

Last thing I bought was a train ticket for 6 bucks!
Don't be jealous now just because I'm wealthy and you guys have to pay rent to live at your HOUSE!


I dont have to do anything to get money, i just leave my kangaroos mining underground(kangaroos are good slaves). Trust me their pretty good they beat me at shovelling.
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