What Was The Last Thing/s You Bought? Thread

Haha, indeed. My shots may not be flash, but I make up for that with some flashy equipment. Also, it's not like I've got anything else to spend my monies on, and I do actually need a new bat, the Woodworm'll definitely break next year, so may as well buy a new bat now whilst I've got the money.
ROFL. I'm bloody trying to get a job but I'm clearly unemployable =/ Who'd have thunk it. Luckily I'll be on an ECB central contract soon though so I won't need the governments money ;) Blates be opening the batting with Ian Bell in no time.
Yeah, now we know you have no hope if you plan on even being in a team with Bell, let alone opening the batting with him. I did hear a local chicken farner is looking for a labourer.............:p
Bought some G-Star jeans, some addidas classic three stripes Superstar Bling 2's and a Henley's sick jacket. My pockets are feeling much lighter though:crying
had a bit of a spending spree as of late. Bought Pro Cycling Manager off tinternet for ?6.00, BLIC 05 for ?1.99, Yorkshire T20 shirt for ?20.00, Some new shoes, ?10 phone top up,some new jeans and a hat. ?70.00 well spent I feel. :D
Just brought Flight Simulator off ebay for about 8 bucks. It's just some cheapo one so I can get a look at it before I buy the newest one; Flight Simulator X with birthday money. My birthday is June 27 and I don't want to wait until then so I brought the cheapo one for now :)

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