Which Browser do you use

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Originally posted by indyan@Aug 28 2004, 05:25 PM
Nah ricky dat was because a serious flaw was discovered.
M$ itself releases patches every other day.C'mon accept it.
U can't find a single good reason to browse using it.
B) i got only one good reason that it works with all the sites ,

there maybe a 1000 plugins for opera ,but do u really use them ,

and i find opera and firefox too jazzy ,i like simple browser which works ,

there are security issues in IE ,but they can be fixed , :thumbs:
i used browse a lot with IE but man its so slow it takes aboit 5 mins to load a post.So i browse with AOL now its fast
hassan believe me in tearms of speed it has to be opera or firefox.
I am trying firefox 0.93 now.
I actually get the feeling dat it is slightly faster than opera althought the diff is not to vast.
hence if u consider speed ---Firefox>=Opera>Avant>>>Ie/Mozilla/Netscape

In tearms of features --Opera>Firefox>>>IE

IC CHIP this month reviewed browsers.Frm their report it appears as if opera holds its own.

I am just quoting the major disadvantages they found.

U have to buy ..otherwise supported by ads
Interface slightly cluttered

"Freeware and opensource is one thing,but it comes with it's own quirks and bugs and the interface still has a long way to go before it becomes completely professional.

Everything comes at a price,as so do these these add-ons.They don't work very well with complex java scripted pages;they either just hang or completely crash....
.....And finally whether you like it or not,you're still using IE in the background-keep in mind that avaant and myie2 still retain all od ie's inherent internet security risks.

ricky u know u can use ie cause u have a decent net connection.But with someone like on on poor dial-up it is impossible.Ie still remains a very unsecure broser and certainly comes no where near to providing the best browsing experience.
I run security for opera .And here is the result(Firewell was disabled)
1.Microsoft Internet Explorer OBJECT Tag Same Origin Policy Violation Vulnerability (bid5196)

try out your browser at:-
:P ok i did that test guess what i got ???? :lol:

Browser Security Test Results
Dear Customer, 

The Browser Security Test is finished. Please find the results below:

High Risk Vulnerabilities 0 
Medium Risk Vulnerabilities 0 
Low Risk Vulnerabilities 0 

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B) ok i even saw there on thier site that IE is used by 78% of the people who came there :P
True IE rocks cuz of its simplicity + Always available everywhere !
Ricky what the poll says dat people r ignorant here.
The same pole was run in a tech forum like digit and opera got 60 votes.
Originally posted by indyan@Aug 30 2004, 02:14 PM
Ricky what the poll says dat people r ignorant here.
The same pole was run in a tech forum like digit and opera got 60 votes.
B) as u know i surf a lot of forums and i have seen these polls everywhere , and i have seen IE winning ,

but i wanted to test these browsers my self ,so now i am using firefox and i have to say it is faster then IE :P but how secure it is i dont know ,
i will use it for a few days ,

for opera ,it is not open source ,so there can be many bugs we dont know about
plus it has adds , that sucks , <_<

the only thing now i hate in firefox is that it doesnt allow me to scroll pages from my mouse in any forums ,but it works on any sites

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