Will there be a block hole (yorker) mod?

Damp Pitch

Club Cricketer
Mar 24, 2001
Online Cricket Games Owned
<span style='color:#000000:post_uid0'>I have just come to terms with the bowling cursor and have
now experienced that anything around the block hole can
tie a side right down.
I know this is talked about on this forum, just wondering if
a mod is possible or can only EA fix this.

I was having such a great time with this game untill this
happened. I know some say just don't bowl yorkers all the
time, but I just can't give runs away when I know I can stop them.

Some folk also only just bat each side out, and don't
bowl at all. Not a very complete game though eh.

Hey Zimrahil...
..are you able to save this game as well mate :)
I haven't noticed any game play patches from you.

Are you planing on doing any, or don't you understand
the C2k2 files yet.
hi damp pitch
I read this topic with interest, because guess what I have been working on the last 2 weeks.

You guessed it, a stroke patch with the main aim being getting the cpu to stop getting out to yorkers and more importantly scoring runs off yorkers hence stopping people (like myself) bowling them all the time. Its much harder work than BLC, but I think I am getting closer

Be patient my friend, this sort of thing takes time......
thanks for the support guys, I am under no pressure then :;):

Progress report : latest files are being tested by some trusted forum friends & as soon as they all give me the green light, I will be sending files to Cricket 2002 Online :P
zimrahil you are a genius that walks the earth. what would we do without you. It is with great expectations that we await this patch. You would have done what EA has failed to do.
zimrahil wil the stroke patch also make it impossible for the human player to use the sweep to play yorkers? But rather change it to some other stroke? Because it seems so unrealistic to use the sweep on fast bowlers it would be much more realistic to play a diff stroke on yorkers.
I would love to be able to use shots other than the sweep to play the yorker, but anything other than a sweep would mean perfect timing to be able to hit the ball.
Andrew, the producer from EA has admitted that the sweep is the only attacking option for human player, and we all know the cpu has problems playing other shots against the yorker too. (not always, but misses the yorker enough to make it annoyingly simple to get wickets)

Therefore, if the sweep to the yorker is the only way to get the cpu to bat out the full overs, then we are going to have to live with it (unless EA's patch rectifies the yorker problem, which I doubt)

Update :People I have spoken to have commented that its too easy to score with power shots, therefore will tweak it so that only perfectly timed power shots have a good chance of reaching the fence, making you think twice before using them.

[color=#000000:post_uid1]zim, i also think editing shot files is like forcing.it affects both cpu and human.[/color]
it is difficult when editing the stroke files as both human & cpu shot impacts have to be taken into consideration.
Sam I have thought about the forward defensive shot, and have tried to include it as reasonably as possible.
However, we don't have as much control over the shot selections in CK2K as in BLC (in BLC you had 1day10 and 1day50.cfg files etc which gave you more control in dictating how cpu paced his innings!), which means no matter how much you tweak the files, at certain situations it seems the cpu will always play certain type of shots (no matter what your settings are), which is really annoying. :o
[color=#000000:post_uid3]thats what i meant forceing it.eg if we play a front foot shot,we can make the ball ending up in 3rd man.[/color]
the same list of files is there in c2k2 also(swing.cfg,ball.cfg,fast.cfg,1day10.cfg..........)but it is packed in config.dat,someone should crack it or ask EA very badly.i think ea used some special compresser.the same is also for feg.dat which is the FRONTEND data.

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