Will winning the Ashes see an improvement in Cricket games??


School Cricketer
Jul 11, 2005
Online Cricket Games Owned
Is it possible that off the back of the amazing scenes at Trafalgar Square, the amazing series we all witnessed in the last few months, that someone working in EA will actually now REALLY want to make a cricket game worthy of us all spending our money on??? Not a shoddy attempt at it, a real effort to get a game that will reflect some of the brilliance of the game of cricket.

A game designer, someone, somewhere, MUST have watched the cricket, and must be dreaming of making a game worthy of the sport it portrays...

Or...we'll all be left playing half hearted attempts by people more interested in making money than pleasing the fans

I am keeping my fingers crossed so hard!! :upray
im not sure that ea have based their efforts on the results of previous ashes tests or previous series between any teams... but keep up the hope i guess :eek:
cricket games will only get better once the sport becomes more worldwide, and this ashes series has increased the number of people watching cricket worldwide, but im not sure if thats enough to encourage game delevopers to produce a more realistic view of the game.

another way would be if more game developers entered the cricketing game genre, the more competition, the better the game would have to be too surivive in the market.

so lets all hope Konami do the same for cricket what they have done for football so well guys :D
Ea had an ashes flop in 97 .
but i think they'll do it this time around.
will be a hit seeing as the aussies lost for the first time since 1986.
I can see the game improving a lot with all this Ashes fever thats hit everyone

More people will buy the next cricket game and if its a flop EA will be really losing out
I can't really see EA going to any real effort just because of the Ashes,
that's just wishfull thinking. Only the popularity of EA Cricket 2005 will inspire
them to really improve their future cricket games, another factor is their competition,
or should I say lack of quality competition...

All in all, we are talking about EA and they didn't do anything special with their
Rugby Union game because England won the world championship, so don't expect
anything special to be done for their cricket games.
RoboRocks said:
Konami don't do sports games

Konami do Pro Evolution Soccer. Best ball physics in any football game of its kind, doubt you can get more realistic than that :)
FIFA 2005 is the best football game ever made so why cant they put as much effort into cricket 2005

Its because they know that more people will buy FIFA
Im not sure if the ashes will help ea making a considerably better game but hopefully it will make them think abt some changes for the next version.
It won't make a difference. Unless the game gets big in the States and China don't expect to see any big improvements.

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