WIN! Your chance to get a copy of DBC14 on Steam!

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DBC Academy


I am unsure of what you mean by what you said. If you mean going to the full game page and clicking on "Download Free Demo" from there, then it doesn't work.
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I am unsure of what you mean by what you said. If you mean going to the full game page and clicking on "Download Free Demo" from there, then it doesn't work.
Have you downloaded steam app and/or got a steam account?
DBC Academy

Yes I have an account and downloaded the app. It says "Not available to purchase" when I try.

Just to let you know I use a mac.
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Yes I have an account and downloaded the app. It says "Not available to purchase" when I try.

Just to let you know I use a mac.

It's a windows based game only. The only way to run it on a mac is to install windows on it
It's a windows based game only. The only way to run it on a mac is to install windows on it

Is there any way to run it on mac without windows?
You could try something like Wine or Crossover, but there's no guarantee it will run.

Big Ant could probably also look into Cider, but that's not available as a consumer product.

Thanks for the help, but the Wine didn't work and you have to pay for crossover. Do you know when the demo/game will be available for mac?

BTW, I do have a Windows computer but it is a very old one and I tried DBC Academy on it and it didn't work due to something to do with the processor or something like that.

Other than that, I appreciate the effort from Big Ant and Matt.
Do you know when the demo/game will be available for mac?
I haven't seen any suggestion that it's in their plans - but obviously the more people on Macs speak up and mention that they want the game would help, but I'd say the issue is simply it's too small of a target market - similar to why it's not on Wii U.
I can't see us directly supporting the Mac for any version of DBC14.
The deadline was set to ensure that there would be enough time to decide a winner before the 26th. Likewise the idea was trying to give a consistent basis of comparison in deciding the winners by having restrictions on the specific kit/bat/players created.

However, given at the moment there's only 6 entries in total we might need to reconsider. But at the moment I'm assuming some might be working on perfecting an entry up until the deadline, so I don't want to potentially disadvantage them.

I suppose the easiest way of doing that is to just ask - how many people are working on an entry and would need more time?

The goal is obviously to give copies of the game to people who are going to make downloads for it - so we have a good community of modders at the time of release.
I'll extend the deadline until Monday, and give a double chance in the random draw to those who get it in on time.
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