Would banning India from all cricket stop these attacks?

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Well if Hockey is the national sport howcome I have never heard of India in the Hockey? Considering if it is, then you are really poor at showing it...
We actually aren't bad it either. In the past we have won an olympic gold at it. Yeah, but currently we are struggling at it :p

You can see for the other comments, Your post even made Dan laugh as it made me.
This thread made me laugh. You better think of better point before posting a thread. Cricket has no relation with Terrorist attack. If there is a blast in a press, then you will tell the countrymen to stop reading the newspaper ? This is not a point to think off.
Just gonna point out Lee, that you are suffering from the sheep effect here. You did make a pretty naive point, but people saw this and jumped on the "DPRA bashing" train.

EDIT - I also think PP was rather rude
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Well, after more terrorist attacks today in Mumbai, we have had to call off the rest of the ODI's for Player safety. But, I have thought of something on the way to college, we all know that in India Cricket is the national sport and virtually everyone watches it, but, with these terrorist attacks getting more frequent, would banning all cricket in India (including domestic and National games) stop the terrorist attacks?

Your views please.

Our national sport is hockey not cricket, its some idiot people give importance to cricket than our national sport . Actually i amnot surprised most of all try to adapt western culture than ours, so now its a normal thing. They are not targetting the cricket players or sportsmen, they w anted to hurt us in such a place where it hurts more. They are trying to screwing the relationship between countries. Divide and rule ;)
Just gonna point out Lee, that you are suffering from the sheep effect here. You did make a pretty naive point, but people saw this and jumped on the "DPRA bashing" train.

EDIT - I also think PP was rather rude

Give it a rest Tom. It's obvious that you'd not have made these comments if they were Australian or English members making the comments. If you're going to have a go at a few of the Indian members, at least make it less obvious ;)

They've all got a point as well, and have every right to be making their comments. Just because 1 person's made a post dismissing this ridiculous theory doesn't mean no-one else can, they're not just jumping on the "DPRA Bashing" train. They've got every right to dismiss his point, it's completely factuous and shows absoloutely zero understanding of the mentality of a terrorist. It's ridiculous, and has been rightly mocked.
This is soo funny.

cricketdudemad added 1 Minutes and 10 Seconds later...

Our national sport is hockey not cricket, its some idiot people give importance to cricket than our national sport . Actually i amnot surprised most of all try to adapt western culture than ours, so now its a normal thing. They are not targetting the cricket players or sportsmen, they w anted to hurt us in such a place where it hurts more. They are trying to screwing the relationship between countries. Divide and rule ;)

Bull.... I think far more people in India play cricket than hockey.
Lol, I'm pretty sure the terrorists would sacrifice watching a game of cricket to prove whatever point they are trying to prove.
I don't see why banning cricket would stop terrorism. They aren't targeting cricketers. If anything, we may see more riots in the streets.
Because with virtually everyone liking cricket, if they say that all cricket is suspended until the attacks stop then the terrorists might think twice.

They like cricket but I don't think they would like it so much to stop performing tasks that in their eyes are heroic. Anyway you don't even know if they are indian if they aren't then that makes your statement even worse.
Give it a rest Tom. It's obvious that you'd not have made these comments if they were Australian or English members making the comments. If you're going to have a go at a few of the Indian members, at least make it less obvious ;)

They've all got a point as well, and have every right to be making their comments. Just because 1 person's made a post dismissing this ridiculous theory doesn't mean no-one else can, they're not just jumping on the "DPRA Bashing" train. They've got every right to dismiss his point, it's completely factuous and shows absoloutely zero understanding of the mentality of a terrorist. It's ridiculous, and has been rightly mocked.

I was having a go at you as well... Also PP was being downright rude to him and he could be English for all I care, I'm still gonna tell him he is out of order. Also your whole post there is dripping in arrogance. So he made a silly point. You always post 100% quality?
It wouldn't do anything, at all. The only thing that will prevent anything like this in the future will be the reform of Indian political institutions, to make a very short, stunted point the problem with most Indian institutions is the outright, obvious corruption. The police in India are as bad for corruption as anywhere else in the country. It's a crying shame that a country like India has so many institutional problems and lack of action in some many key areas that would really transform the country when it has such potential to produce some of the next finest minds as well as be a major player in world economy for years to come.
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