We without Naman and Manish is like MI without Rayudu and Bhajji...
West Coast Wildcats: I like the logo. Not much info on the team or Players in the first page. I saw some newspaper article kind of concept inside, back in time, I use to do a lot like that, I even had a piece where I do interviews and post (Maybe I will do that again this year, haven't decided yet) But still would prefer every article to be linked to the first page and organized. Not much to say on the team, cos I see only names but no details on the player. But hey, trust me when I say this team is like CSK, no show-offs outside but will be all in on the ground. I put this statement based on the current team members, Parth D, Akshay and Cerealkiller a trio to the lookout. Well, you all know Mattw so. Good Luck @CerealKiller
And They are in CSK now