Youth Cluster Podcast

What ep is that one with Lee in it Tom?

I have listened to the last 2 - pretty alright. Punk Sk8er does a great job in his role:p
My favourite episode is number 14. Farrukh made me laugh so much. :D

OMG, Duff that episode was brilliant. Rickyp was actually really interesting and you and Farrukh constabtly cracking up made it hilarious.

Please can you do some more :upray:upray:upray:upray:upray

I would really like to hear Hooper interviewed. "The main behind the dreadlocks" :p
I hear its "coming soon to an audio output near you."

So Duff says anywho, but we all know Duff, such a busy forgetful boy :p
OMG, Duff that episode was brilliant. Rickyp was actually really interesting and you and Farrukh constabtly cracking up made it hilarious.

Please can you do some more :upray:upray:upray:upray:upray

I would really like to hear Hooper interviewed. "The main behind the dreadlocks" :p
Lol, I have sorta hinted to Duff...

I reckon I could be a guest in the future:p
Duff and I are organizing the next epic episode at the moment, which will feature heaps of guests, and a new flavour.
These podcats are excellent. Walking in the pouring rain feeling depressed I listen to this and it cheered me up, ten fold. The episode with Colin was classic, Duff blantantly didn't pick up on Colin's accents.
These podcats are excellent. Walking in the pouring rain feeling depressed I listen to this and it cheered me up, ten fold. The episode with Colin was classic, Duff blantantly didn't pick up on Colin's accents.


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