The PC High School Mafia - Town (Rudolph, ContUmp & asprin) win!

Guys I didn't get any download, it plays for me in the browser itself.
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There are two people who have shown interest in participating in a game. What is better than participating in a game organized by experienced member?

Are you interested? @Yash. @asprin
The file is getting downloaded on PC as well.


Welcome to The PC High School Mafia!

It was all going great at the PC High School. The atmosphere all around was lively and the place would often be buzzing. Teachers & students both shared a great chemistry. The new principal had made sure the school reached great heights very quickly. However, one day all the teachers went missing from the school. Most of the students disappeared too. The school was shut. The principal couldn't get what has happened.

Suddenly he saw someone enter his office.

You! What are you doing here?

*shooooooooooot* *booooooooooom*

Hahahaha, this is what I am doing here! I am here to destroy this school!!!

There lied a dead body of Gaurav.
He was the principal, school team aligned.
It was known only 14 people in all remained in the school. They didn't recognize each other. Well, some of them did. Maybe not!

How many of the 14 were the ones with evil intentions, no body knew. Only time will tell.


It is now Day 1. With 14 alive, it takes 8 for a lynch.

The PC High School Mafia begins!

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I confirm my role. Good to be back to School days but didn't expect it to be like this.

This is kind of like Harry Potter and Chamber Of Secrets ;p
Role Received :thumbs

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